No, it will not break paint. "Underboring" (using a barrel with a smaller bore than the paintball), is a thing used to gain maximum efficiency and consistency from a paintball marker, since no air is escaping around the paintball, and the same amount of air is pushed against it every time.
the eye is not specific to a is in all decent guns. it is a infra-red light that is in the chamber where the paintball is ready to fire, it senses when it's beam has been broken and it only allows the gun to shoot when the ball is all the way in the gun...this makes chopping paintballs a thing of the past.
The thing that is a sash like object that holds a katana is called an obi.
a clamp
The thing that holds dead man ashes is called an Urn I believe :)
A sheath.
A bobbin or a Spool
It actually will depend on the paintball gun you have. Typical markers do not need a cartridge, but a hopper (the thing on the top of the gun to feed in paintballs). Markers like the Tippmann TPX and the Kingmann Chaser and Eraser definitely need cartridge to hold the paintballs sense they are pistols.
There is no such thing as high voltage paintball guns.
Tomb or sarcophagus
an easel