I would have to say football with movies like, the waterboy remember the titans, the longest yard, invincible, the blind side, and a lot more. These are just the films that come to mind first when I think of football.
Probably Boxing.
Football is the most popular sport in Brazil.Soccer.The most popular sport in Brazil is football.
cricket is most popular sport
no. jousting is the most popular sport.
Football is the most popular sport in Spain!:)
Football is the most popular sport in Iraq.
Venezuela's most popular sport is baseball.
Football is the most popular sport in Spain!:)
Football is the most popular school sport.
The most popular sport in El Salvador is Soccer
No, soccer is most popular in Italy. Italy's the one who started to sport itself. soccer is not the most popular sport. Association football is the most popular. the most popular sport in England.
The most popular films by Sky Films are Songs of Defiance, The Future of Energy, Where Do Jobs Come From, New Faces in the Workplace and The Singing Revolution.