I dont know how fast at full speed but I know that the world record for the Mile Run is 3.46 at an average of 27 mph (said the WGR book I think)
Usain Bolt ran 42mph
The cheetah can run at 60 mph for short sprints.
The fastest recorded human speed is 27.8 mph, achieved by Usain Bolt during his 100m world record run in 2009.
The fastest speed of a human running was set by Maurice Greene, who achieved a sprint speed of 26.7 mph.
Cheetahs can run up to 70 mph, but for only about 20 seconds. They tire easily when sprinting.
The fastest human speed recorded is 27.8 mph, achieved by Usain Bolt during his 100m world record run in 2009.
Nope. The speed of sound is ABOUT 760 mph. Fastest human runner is 27.79 mph. Not even close.
Usain Bolt 9.58. I heard it was a guy whose top speed was 27 mph.
A wolf can run ~37 mph. The fastest human was clocked in at 26.7 mph So...if you can strap a saddle onto a wolf...then sure, you can have wolf speed.
Not particularly, 10 mph is below average sprinting speed. The record speed on a mountain bike is above 100mph.
The fastest speed set by a human runner is 27.8 mph (44.72 km/h) achieved by Usain Bolt during his 100m world record run in 2009.
The peregrine falcon with speeds over 200 mph is the fastest animal.