any synthetic marker oil made for paintball will do just fine, make sure it is paintball oil though. Do not use motor oil or WD-40. Gold Cup oil is the best paintball oil for blowbacks or the Gold Cup Final Solution grease for all high end guns.
The salvo has more accessories and has a better feed neck and stock then the Mr1.
Spyder MR100 Pro is the RIS Quad rail system that fits the Spyder MR1 paintball gun.
The Spyder MR1 is a type of paintball gun therefore would be used for paint balling. They can be purchased from many places including eBay and Amazon.
not a spyder e-mr1. the new proto slg 09 with an upgraded barrel.
It depends on what you are going to use it for... If you are going to play more speedball, get the sonix... If you are going to play more woodsball, get the MR1.
MR1. Because you don't quite want to get the gun with the E-trigger until you know how to play and are good at it. MR1. Because you don't want to get the MR1 with the E-trigger until you know how to play and are good at it.
Do you mean the MR1 or the EMR1? Both of them are spyders entry level woodsball gun, with built in stock and double trigger. The emr1 has an electric trigger, which allows it to fire faster and with different modes, where the mr1 does not.
Since it has weaver rails, all you need are Weaver scope rings. An offset mount will help too.
You disassemble it, and apply a non aerosol airtool or paintball lube to the o- rings and major mechanical parts.
Have a degree in chemistry. Do not put anything in your gun besides air-tool lubricant (for mechanical guns), or actual paintball lube.
Tippmann 98's, spyder mr1/victor, and azodin ats/kaos are good to start.