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The game of Hockey is a very good example of a speed game because if you don't have speed, you can't score any goals, especially in the National Hockey League (NHL).

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Q: What is an example of a sport which focuses on speed?
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What is an example of a sport focusing on speed?

The sport of auto racing focuses on speed.

What is an example of a sport which focuses on flexibility?

gymnastics. oh how i hate gymnastics even though gymnastics isn't excatly a sport , but i don't actually think there is a sport which focuses on flexibility

What is a an example of a sport which focuses on muscular endurance?

Wrestling is a great example of an organized sport that has a lot of muscular endurance. A few of my friends that wrestle say that it is one of the most difficult, endurance requiring sports they have experienced.

What is an example of agility in sports?

any sport imparticular? Speed, Skill, Power, Accuracy, Balance

Why is speed important in sport?

Speed is not always important in sport. It's relative to the sport you are participating in.

What is an example of a acceleration sprint?

An example of an acceleration sprint would be a track and field athlete starting from a stationary position and gradually increasing their speed over a short distance to reach their maximum speed. This type of sprint focuses on quickly accelerating to top speed within a few seconds.

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how composites have aided in the Olympic sport of speed skating

What specific sports use speed?

If you were to pick a sport that focuses mainly on speed training it would most likely be track. Track is great for endurance and it helps build you leg muscles. Track would be a good sport that uses speed training!

What is a externally paced sport?

its a sport in which the pace is decided by external factors including other players or opponents. you make a decision for your own pace based off the speed at which the other players are or where they are in relation to you. an example of this could be in swimming. if you see someone is beating you, you will try to speed up. your decision to speed up will be based on the opponents speed and therefore this situation is externally paced.

What is an example of a sport which focuses on muscular power?

Football, boxing, wrestling. All sports in some form rely on muscular power. Kicking soccer balls

What is the top speed of a jeep sport?

the top speed is 199km

What is speed skate racing?

Speed Skating is an olympic sport.