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the standard size is 68, there are a few off sizes like 43, 40 and 50 but the vast majority of paintball markers use 68 caliber and therefore it is the cheapest

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Q: Is a 68 cailiber paintball gun good?
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.68 caliber. the paintball standard.

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It is the standard .68 caliber

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Standard .68

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What type of paintball does and m16 paintball gun take?

Regular .68 caliber paintballs, all standard guns do. Also there is no "m16 paintball gun" , only guns that look like it.

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Almost every paintball gun out there is a .68 cal. so they should have em

How much caliber is a PR1500 Air Pump Paintball Gun?

Mostly all of the paintball guns made today are .68 caliber. Though with the recent changes in paintball some guns are being made with .50 caliber. Though by the year of this gun, it is 100% of .68 caliber.

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How powerfull is a paint ball gun?

A paintball gun fires a .68 caliber .35 gram ball at 300 fps. If you where the right clothes (loose shirt, paintball vest, e.t.c.) it doesn't even hurt!

How much is a Triton paintball gun?

You can buy a new Triton paintball gun for around 90 dollars, but you could also try buying one on ebay or amazon for a much cheaper price.

Were does the airow gun go?

It attaches to your compound bow an shoots a 22 caliber pellet or a 68 mm Paintball.

What is different between a paintball gun and a pepperball gun beside the bullets?

None. It takes no modification to fire a pepper ball out of a standard .68 caliber barrel