Anywhere from 18 to 35 shots is normal on most paintball pistols.
Paintball tanks do not have an actual large gun on them, because there are no "giant paintballs." The tank will use normal markers witch shoot about 300 feet horizontally or a RPG simulator witch will shoot a scatter shot of several paint balls a much smaller distance.
A 12oz tank will not last long on any gun. Most likely, you may get 400. 500 if the dwell is low.
No, paintball co2 is much higher pressure.
if you're talking about the air tank, it should say on the side of the tank.
Simply grab the "butt" of the tank and twist it left. To save your O-ring, shoot as you twist. This releases the pressure built up from the CO2
A compressed C02 tank or High Pressure Air tank propels the paintball.
if you have your own gun, probably cheap
Where the air tank or co2 tank normally attaches
If this is happening you are losing gas. You need to fix your hoses. Make sure you have full pressure in your tank. If the problem persists, go to a paintball pro-shop and get a technician to look at the internals.
your local paintball field. Or you can purchase a scuba tank and adapter to fill the paintball tank with and every once in a while fill the scuba tank up if you live like out in the middle of nowhere
im assuming you mean "Can a G3 shoot using a ninja air tank?" the answer is yes, all ninja tanks are standard ASA threaded
It just depends on the tank size, temperature, gun efficiency and how much you shoot.