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Paintball tanks do not have an actual large gun on them, because there are no "giant paintballs." The tank will use normal markers witch shoot about 300 feet horizontally or a RPG simulator witch will shoot a scatter shot of several paint balls a much smaller distance.

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Q: How far will the paintball panzer tank shoot?
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How far do you have to be to shoot a paintball gun?

well at the place i go to it is 10ft so it is probally 10ft

How far can a paintball go in a AK47 paintball gun?

All paint ball guns with a regular barrel will shoot around 300 feet. there also is no specific "ak 47" paintball gun

How far can a 40 cal paintball shoot form a spring?

maybe 80 feet at 45 degrees

Germany's main battle tank in World War 2?

It was an evolutionary process. Against Poland and in Africa it was the Panzer I and Panzer II which were in essence light tanks that lacked adquate punch to take out hard targets. By the time Operation Barbarosa against the Soviet Union began the Panzer III was the main battle tank but it was hopelessly outclassed by the T-34. The Panzer IV designed as a support tank became by default the Main Battle tank. By the time the Battle of the Bulge began it was the Tiger Tank that was the superman of the battlefield. The King Tiger was available in small numbers but far to heavy for most existing bridges.

How far can a tank shoot?

A tank can shoot targets with its main gun at distances in excess of 2 miles. More advanced canons and ammunition extend this range even further.

Does distance from target affect paintball splat size?

No. Only if you are VERY far away, the paintball may not break at all.

How far can a gun shoot?

some shoot far and some dont so they all dont shoot the same length

How far is the shot if the paintball is 45 degrees high?

about 230 feet ideally

How many paintball leagues are there?

As far as I know, there are two major ones in the US.

How long is a blowgun?

It all depends on how far you want your dart/paintball to go.