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In general, most places charge about $20-$25 dollars for admission. Then it can be anywhere from $50-$70 for 2000 paintballs. Air is usually free or included in admission. SO about $85

If you play in the woods, all you probably need $5 for a Co2 fill and $40 for 2000 paintballs. So about $45.

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 15y ago

A paintball maker aka gun can cost anywhere from $50 to $2,000 depending on the type you get. Tippmann is the best gun for it's price at around $150-$300. Anything below $150 is usually very cheap unless it's Tippmann you can get as many as you want for 1 penny

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βˆ™ 13y ago

It depends on the place. most places for rentall (includes everything you need equipment wise) is about 20 dollars for 3 hours (the amount of time most people go. paint is expensive. if you are a beginer, you will probably use 2 bags (a bag is about 15 dollars) in 3 hours. experts use a box to two boxes (which are 50 dollars each)

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βˆ™ 15y ago

At a place called Jeggers it is about $10.00 for 100 paintballs. they also have member ship that makes the cost go down. and finally they have a store where you can buy paintball clothes and guns.

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βˆ™ 12y ago

That depends on what paintball place you go to. Most places charge 15-30 for admission, 15-30 for rental and depending on how much paint you shoot. 30-100 dollars for 2000 paintballs. Some places have discount days where, with your own equipment, you can get entry and paint for 35.

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βˆ™ 15y ago

The pricing can range depending on the quality and brand name. The lowest of the low, monster balls is around $30-40. Though these are very low quality. Decent Recreation paint will be aroun $45. This is like Triumph, and Formula 13. The highest quality like Draxxus Gold which is around $70-80.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

Most fields charge roughly $30 for entry and $50 for paint.

If you play in the woods, it usually $20 for paint and $5 for air.

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βˆ™ 12y ago

$ 30 to 40 for a 2000 round case of cheap paint

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βˆ™ 14y ago

Roughest estimate: $50.

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Q: How much are paintballs?
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How much paintballs are in a case?


How many paintballs are in a pound?

The number of paintballs in a pound can vary depending on the brand and size of the paintballs. On average, there are about 70-100 paintballs in a pound. It is recommended to check with the specific brand or manufacturer for accurate information.

How much does 500 68 paintballs weigh?

Around 1590 grams or 3.5 pounds.

What wood will paintballs splater on the most oak or pine?

Neither will have that much of a difference on the splatter.

When was A Fistful of Paintballs created?

A Fistful of Paintballs was created on 2011-05-05.

Are all paintballs the same size?

no, there are different paintballs for different types of guns

Can red and pink and black paintballs go bad?

All paintballs can go bad, however no paintballs are allowed to have red, pink or black fill.

Can you use different paintballs in an opus-a kingman spyder?

No. only .50 caliber paintballs.

Is there antifreeze in recseries paintballs?

There is no antifreeze in any paintballs. Trying to freeze paintballs will ruin their structural integrity, causing them to become brittle shelled, and overly viscus in the center.

Are impact paintballs oil based?

Most paintballs are made of a lard/animal fat mixture. Although just recently a company developed water based paintballs.

When was For a Few Paintballs More created?

For a Few Paintballs More was created on 2011-05-12.

Why are monster paintballs bad?

Monster paintballs are considered the worst paintballs because they not only stain clothes, but they do not break easily, causing the shooter to not get a hit, and the receiver to be in a lot of pain.