depends on the marker you are using it on and if it is a 3000psi tank or a 4500psi tank but i believe they only make 62s in 3k so, as a ballpark id expect around 600-650
that depends on the size and pressure of the tank, ninja makes everything from 12ci tanks to i believe 88ci tanks. which tank are you looking at?
Anywhere from 18 to 35 shots is normal on most paintball pistols.
No, the FPS will stay the same. The size of the tank determines how many shots you can take before you have to refill it.
really it depends on the marker, temperature, velocity you are shooting at and a lot of other things, but for the typical entry level marker, i would ballpark it a little under 1000 shots
A standard 20 oz will run for 800-1200 shots depending on the marker.
It really depends on how fast you're shooting, don't forget to take that into account. However if you are shooting around 280 fps, you can probably get up to 900 shots.
A compressed C02 tank or High Pressure Air tank propels the paintball.
Yes, while playing, CO2 or other propellant is necessary to fire the marker. It is the CO2 that moves the paintball gun parts, and is what pushes out the ball at such high speeds. Taking the tank in and out will cause it to loose significant shots.
size is all personal preference, you can get something as small as a 9oz or up to a 24oz co2 tank, the larger the tank is the more shots you will get off of it but the heavier and larger it will be
Very roughly: 1100 shots.
Where the air tank or co2 tank normally attaches