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It had been recorded, uncapped, at 31. There are YouTube videos available as proof.

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Q: How many balls per second can a sl94 ego paintball gun shot?
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Related questions

Can a paintball gun shoot re balls?

Yes, reballs were made to be shot out of paintball guns.

Which type of paintball marker shot paint balls farthest what was the independent variable?

The distance the paintball went.

What is millennium mode in paintball?

It is a mode on some paintball guns, where you must manually pull it it reaches 7.5 bps, and from there the ramp will start. It is capped at 15 bps.

How many people die by a paintball gun?

No one has died as a result of being shot with a paintball gun.

What is the velocity of a paintball being shot out of a paintball gun?

The legal maximum is 300 Feet Per Second. Some Fields bring that down to 280 or 260 fps.

What are paintball pellets?

it's basically vegetable oil and dye...not "paint" it is also corn starch and paint in a ball

Is paintball geeky?

No, paintball is not geeky. Geeks may play it, but it is a many person activity. It can be played one on one on one, or in teams. Men, Women, and many aged kids can play it. It takes thinking, but it isn't nerdy or geeky. It hurts to be shot by a paintball shot, which isn't exactly a geeky thing.

When does paintball drop occur after being shot?

as soon as the paintball leaves the barrel, the paintball begins to be affected by gravity.

How long does a shot from a paintball gun?


What is shot out of a paintball gun?


What are reballs in paintball for?

Reballs or "A-Balls" are rubber paintballs that when shot, do not break. Like the name implies, it is possible to use these over and over again. Many teams and fields use these type of paintballs to train with and to be cost effective.

What was invented by a lumberjack?

paintball was invented by lumberjacks they shot or marked the trees the got drunk and shot each other and paintball was born