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Terminal velocity is not a predetermined speed. Terminal velocity is the condition in which the forces of gravity and drag are equalized, and no further change in speed is possible if these conditions remain the same. However, terminal velocity can vary greatly depending upon altitude, wind resistance of an object, atmospheric conditions, and other factors.

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13y ago

On August 16, 1960, Jo kittinger made a record jump at 102,800 feet (31,300 m). Towing a small drogue parachute for initial stabilization, he fell for four minutes and 36 seconds, reaching a maximum speed of 614 miles per hour (988 km/h)

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A person travels about 120 miles per hour when flat and stable, and about 200 mph or more in a dive.

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at about 160 mph

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Q: How fast does a human travel in freefall in skydiving?
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How fast do skydiving fall?

Skydivers in different freefall orientations fall at different speeds:Wingsuiting - 25 to 60mphBelly to earth - typical for formation skydiving - 120mphFreefly headup and headdown - 150 to 190mphSpeed skydiving - 200 to 327mphFor each of these disciplines, experience, jumpsuit worn, weight & height all make subtle differences to exact freefall speeds. During any typical skydive, speeds vary a lot.

What changes occur in skydiving?

Over the years, the extreme sport of skydiving has developed a lot. In the 1950's during the advent of the first civilian parachute centres, round parachutes were used. In the 1970's ram-air 'wing style' parachutes became the norm which allowed for soft landings and the ability to jump in higher wind conditions safely.The biggest changes which have occurred in skydiving have been in the type of disciplines with which you can compete in. Originally, it was only canopy accuracy - i.e. landing on a cross. Since then, freefall disciplines have arrived:Canopy Relative Work (CRW)Formation skydiving (FS)FreeflyFreestyleVertical Formation Skydiving (VFS)WingsuitingCanopy swoopingOne of the most recent developments at the dropzone where I skydive at is called Speed Skydiving. I jump at Skydive Hibaldstow in Lincolnshire and at that dropzone, we aim to go as fast as we can over the vertical kilometer (8800ft to 5600ft approximately). Speeds in excess of 250mph can be achieved.If you want to enter the sport, the best place to start is with an Accelerated Freefall course. Over 8 levels or jumps, you will learn how to jump, to handle your parachute, to navigate and to control your body in freefall. It's a lot of fun!

How fast does a tandem skydive travel in a one minute freefall from 15000 feet?

After about 10 seconds it does not matter because you reach terminal velocity your speed remains constant till the parachute opens.

How safe is it under canopy in skydiving if you turn to fast can the canopy fold?


What does skydiving feel like?

Skydiving is a great feeling and very much unlike a roller coaster. There is a gently sensation of floating. Yes you are going fast (around 120mph), but when strapped to a tandem instructor, it feels safe. This experience lasts for approximately 45 seconds before you feel a sudden deceleration as the instructor opens the parachute at around 5000ft. I thoroughly recommend sky diving as a fantastic adrenaline filled adventure.

Is indoor skydiving easy?

It depends on how fast of a learner you are. You might get it right away, or it might take you a while.

How fast can sound travel thought human muscle?

About the same speed as through water (about 3300 mph).

Are roller coasters safer then skydiving?

Roller coasters are much safer than skydiving. Roller coasters breakdown very rarely and deaths hardly ever happens. When you go skydiving so much can go wrong. You may hit a tree, not deploy your parachute fast enough, or have a crash landing.

How fast does a worm travel in miles per hour?

yes a worm can travel a mile in its life many miles infact....................but it is likely to get caught by a human and die

How fast does blood travel through the human body?

Blood travels through the human body at an average speed of about 3 to 4 miles per hour.

Can a human run light speed?

Light speed is over one billion kilometers per hour. Not only can a human not run that fast, no spaceship can ever travel that fast, at least according to the laws of physics as we currently understand them.

Some fast do light rays travel?

Yes, they travel some fast!