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After about 10 seconds it does not matter because you reach terminal velocity your speed remains constant till the parachute opens.

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Q: How fast does a tandem skydive travel in a one minute freefall from 15000 feet?
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How high do people go for sky diving?

An average belly-to-earth formation skydiving body position is around 120mph. This is the same speed for a beginners tandem skydive. Freefly headdown skydives are about 160mph. The fastest discipline is speed skydiving where Christian Labhart from Austria recently did 526 km/h average over the vertical kilometer. That is over 320mph! At the end of the skydive, the competitior must pull out of the headdown streamlined dive and slow down to 120mph to safely open the parachute.

What state can you skydive at 11 years old?

Generally at any drop zone in your state. Although if you want to go tandem, ( attached to a pro, definatley reccomended for a first time) then you have to wait until your 18. 16 You have to do a static line ( look it up) or go to Canada or Russia you can do it any age over there!

How far will you travel at 60 mph in 1 minute?

At 60mph you will travel a distance of 1 mile in 1 minute.

How long does it take to travel 80 miles per minutes?

It takes one minute to travel 80 miles per minute.

Can a car travel 1 mile in a minute?

Yes ... going 60 MPH the car will travel 1.0 miles in one minute.

How do mealworms travel?

mealworms travel 20 cenimeters per minute

Where can I find some cheap travel?

Look for last minute deals on travel sites. Expedia is has last minute deals along with packages. Check your local travel agent as well as your local airline for last minute seat sales.

What companies offer bargains for families booking their travel plans at the last minute?

There are many different travel companies that offer bargains for families booking travel at the last minute. These companies depend on the country one is located. Some companies in the US are Last Minute Travel, Kayak and Expedia.

How would you define a light-minute?

The distance light will travel, in a vacuum, in one minute.

How far will you travel at 90 mph in 1 minute?

You will travel 1.5 miles.

How far do the minute hands of Big Ben travel every year?

Big Ben's minute hands travel approximately 190km every year.

Where can a person find last minute travel deals?

Last minute travel deals can be found on various websites. Some of these include Sell off Vacations, Travelocity and Expedia. Last minute deals can also be found by contacting a local travel agent.