Possibly. Bungee was first used in tribal initiation ceremonies, by jumping off a scaffold. The legs were tied with vines. Problems would have occured. Nowdays though it is very very unlikely.
bungee jumping has been around about 80years
27 total fatalities have been reported
well if you are bungee jumping on a warm day then your chances are low. however if it is a day that is 70 degrees or lower you will go blind almost with no doubt. This astonishing discovery has been founded by me. So remember all you crazy kats out their go jumping when its hott or pay the prices.
Bungee jumping first started in the U.S. in 1986. John Kockelman opened The Palo Alto Bungee Club. Which was not only the first bungee jumping business in the U.S. , but also the first in the world. The name was changed shortly after to Bungee Adventures.
Bungee jumping is an extreme sport that has been around for over a decade. It is popular with the younger crowd and is on many people's bucket lists. Bungee jumping is actually very safe as there are many safety measure in place. However it seems as if it is more unsafe because when something does fail, it makes national headlines. Bungee jumping is safer that roller coaster, ants, or even driving a car. As long as a reputable company is used death is highly unlikely. Sometimes there are injuries but those are comparable to any sport.
12,306 deaths... Just what is your source for this?...Not to be rude but this figure is absolutely ridiculous! I have been involved in the bungee jumping industry since 1989. And I have been aware of just about every single death that has occurred. I say just about, because I do not claim to be omnipotent in every thing bungee, NO ONE is but i am absolutely positive that that figure of 12,306 is AT LEAST overinflated by 100%. that would mean that the actual number is closer to 123. Even that number is higher than the actual number. I have not kept a log of all of the deaths but i would say the real number is closer to 50, actually somewhere between 50 and 100. For someone to say that 12,306 people have died jumping is stupid and irresponsible. Bungee jumping can be incredibly dangerous when performed by the wrong people, people who are not expertly trained, irresponsible or just plain stupid lacking any common sense. ALL of the Fatalities have been caused by human error..ALL THEM!!! There have been instances when people have died or been seriously injured where to watch the incident happen, it would appear that it was because some part of the system usually the cord had broken or failed. But this has never been the case. Upon closer inspection by someone who is an expert in bungee jumping , All of these accidents have been cause by HUMAN ERROR. Bungee jumping is an inherently dangerous activity, after all you are jumping from a lethal height attached to nothing but a large rubber band! But when done in a manner that has been proven by hundreds of thousands of safe jumps. It is a very safe activity!!! ...........ElasticAddict............www.webstarts.com/bungeejump
If you do it at a sanctioned jumping facility. With personnel that are trained. You have a better chance of being struck by lightening twice inside a rubber building. Safety rating is what you should be concerned about. The highest safety rated country in bungee is Japan, followed by Canada and I believe NZ. USA is somewhere in the top 10.
The only Bungee Jumping club in Ohio, or in the Eastern U.S. for that matter is Over the Edge Adventures-Bungee Jumping club, based in Cambridge Ohio. They do bridge bungee jumps from bridges from 100' ft - to 700' ft high -in Ohio as well as in Pennsylvania, West Virginia,New York, Kentucky, and Tennessee. They have been in business since 1989, and have done jumps from Hot air balloons and cranes as well as over twenty different bridges in 9 different states over the last 20 years.
well ya, its fun, if you like free falling this is the thing for you i have been bungee jumping many times the first time you do it you can get nervous but after you do it you will want to do it over and over again. but if your scared of heights im gonna warn you know you are problie gonna have a bad time but if you love being high up go for it cuz u will love it!! i no i did