It is possible to do this, though not without some effot. If the threads do not match up with the regulator and barrel, you will not be able to use it. Though with some patience, welding, and some sealent, you should be successfull.
There is no "ak-47" paintball gun. there are many companies that make guns that are styled after the Kalashnikov series rifles. On the same note, Spyder makes several models of paintball guns, which vary from beginner "wallmart guns" to decent enough middle classed markers.
If you aren't mature enough to play paintball, you aren't mature enough to use firearms. There is no way you can confuse paintball or vidoegames or airsoft for what you should be doing with actual guns, unless you are not old enough to use guns.
The paintball gun does not use any parts that have not been make in other industries before.
Have a degree in chemistry. Do not put anything in your gun besides air-tool lubricant (for mechanical guns), or actual paintball lube.
they make guns? <><><> Gunsmiths did indeed make guns. Today some gunsmiths do still make guns, but most repair and adjust guns. They may repair or replace parts, chamber a firearm for a different caliber, mount scopes, clean guns, and bed rifles to a stock.
all guns come with a velocity adjuster that allows you to slow the fps of the paintballs.
Yes you can, but be careful that the marker is not gased up and some stuff is taken apart (barrel off and in case) Make sure to mark the package as a paintball marker, NOT a gun
Well the high end brands that make paintball markers (guns) include; Planet Eclipse, Dye, Proto, WGP, Invert (mini), Draxxus, Bob Long, and Dangerous Power. **Note** those brands make mostly electric guns for x-ball, and speed ball game play. The more tactical brands include; Tippman, BT, Army, Tiberius Arms, and smart parts makes a few tactical markers too.
Well if its a club not much you just need people who want to join who have or are planning to buy paintball guns, a place to meet, and if you want you can find a nearby course or make your own.
any synthetic marker oil made for paintball will do just fine, make sure it is paintball oil though. Do not use motor oil or WD-40. Gold Cup oil is the best paintball oil for blowbacks or the Gold Cup Final Solution grease for all high end guns.
they had enough parts to make more guns
Not everywhere, private property and paintball fields are fine. Often it is also ok to play on unincorporated county land however it is typically best to check with the local authorities first just to make sure.