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They work to some effect. Astetically, they do look good. They have an authentic silencer look. Though they are not to pratical. They can make the shot slightly quieter, though it will throw off your accuracy.

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โˆ™ 15y ago
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โˆ™ 15y ago

No. They are a perfectly legitiment accessory therefore they are allowed. Though to play it safe, don't take it to public areas.

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Q: Are paintball silencers illegal in Canada?
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Why arent paintball silencers legal?

Because they could easily be used as firearm silencers.

Are silencers illegal in Montana?

yes silencers are illegal in montana

Do people sell silencers for paint ball guns?

No, it is illegal to own or use a paintball silencer without an actuall firearm silencer permit. You can buy mock suppressors, which look like silencers but do no significant effect for sound dampening.

Paintball suppressors are the illegal in Canada?

If suppressors for real guns are then most likely. since they're illegal in the US I'm guessing they are in Canada as well

Are silencers illegal in Mississippi?

Depending on who you are, no.

Are there silencers for paint ball guns?

There Are no true silencers or suppressors for paintball markers, only mock ones. You need a firearm suppressor permit in order to get a real suppressor, so companies don't make any. Also A paintball gun signature is fairly quiet.

Are rifle silencers illegal in Florida?

Depends on who is using them and for what.

Is it illegal to shoot your paintball gun in Ontario?

no it is not paintball guns are not illegal firearms like other weapons and a paintball guna cant kill you

Are handgun silencers illegal in Maine?

check with the prosecutor's office

Which states do not allow gun silencers?

Silencers are illegal in SOME states for the general public, but only a few. See link below

Are paintball guns illegal in Yonkers ny?

There is not licencing for paintball markers.

Are handgun silencers illegal in Minnesota?

Unfortunately yes. But there are ways around it.