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Because they could easily be used as firearm silencers.

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Q: Why arent paintball silencers legal?
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Related questions

Are gun silencers legal in Iowa?

Silencers are not legal in the state of Iowa. Currently there are 39 out of 50 states that individuals, trusts and corporations can legally own silencers.

Are gun silencers legal in Alaska?

Suppressors are legal, yes.

Are there silencers for paint ball guns?

There Are no true silencers or suppressors for paintball markers, only mock ones. You need a firearm suppressor permit in order to get a real suppressor, so companies don't make any. Also A paintball gun signature is fairly quiet.

Does Nevada allow gun silencers?

Yes, silencers are legal in Nevada (assuming they are correctly registered with the ATF)

Are silencers legal in minnesota?

The local police can assist you.

Are gun silencers legal in Virginia?

Yes. Must be registered with the Federal BATF, but state legal.

Do people sell silencers for paint ball guns?

No, it is illegal to own or use a paintball silencer without an actuall firearm silencer permit. You can buy mock suppressors, which look like silencers but do no significant effect for sound dampening.

What is the legal age to paintball?


Are rifle silencers legal in ny?

The answer can by yes or no depending on specifics which you don't go into.

Is it legal to own a paintball gun in Staten Island?

There is no liscencing for paintball guns in the US.

Is it legal to have a paintball gun shipped to Dubai?

yes. you can ship a paintball gun anywhere.

Are paintball guns legal in Japan?

Paintball is not illegal in Japan. You can play at the related link.