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Q: Work is required to lift a barbell How many time more work is required to lift the barbell three times as high?
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How many times more work is required to lift the barbell three times as high?

well you know i have the same home work con physics haha and it's chapter 8 right second question haha. i think; if you want to lift a barbell three times as high you have to give three times the work (W)

Is the weightlifter doing any work when she holds the barbell motionless above her head?

This weightlifter did work on the barbell to lift it over her head.

Calculate the work done in lifting a 500-N barbell 2.2m above the floor what is the potential energy of the barbell when it is lifted to this height?

The work done in lifting the barbell is given by the formula: Work = force x distance = 500 N x 2.2 m = 1100 J. The potential energy of the barbell at this height is equal to the work done, so it would also be 1100 J.

The weight lifter used a force of 980N to raise the barbell over her head in 521 seconds approximately how much work did she do in raising the barbell?

5105.8 J

If a weight lifter lifts a barbell and then sets it down is any work done?

Answer: It depends upon your definition of "work". Assuming the lifter put the barbell back exactly where and how it was at first, then there was no work done in the physics context. If you mean manual labor, then yes, some work was done.

How much work is done if you hold a 50 N barbell over your head for 5 minutes?

The work done is zero, because holding the barbell over your head does not involve moving it vertically. Work is only done when there is a displacement in the direction of the force being applied.

Will N. Andable and Ben Pumpiniron are in the weight lifting room. Will lifts the 100 pound barbell over his head 10 times in 10 seconds. Which student does the most work?

Obviously will does more work because Ben does nothing.

If a barbell weight 160 N What other information do you need to calculate how much work it takes to lift it?

To calculate how much work it takes to lift the barbell, you will need to know the height you are lifting it to (distance over which the force is applied) and the angle at which you are lifting the barbell (if not directly against gravity). These factors will allow you to calculate the work done against gravity using the formula: Work = Force x Distance x cos(angle).

What is an alternative exercise for barbell shrugs?

Any kind of deadlifts will also work your traps. .

Do you need two piercings for a barbell?

If we are talking about an industrial piercing, yes you need two piercings. however you can still wear a barbell in one piercing provided that it is fitted to work in that single piercing.

What is the potential energy of the barbell when it is lifted?

The potential energy of the barbell when it is lifted is equal to the work done to lift it against gravity. It is given by the formula: potential energy = mass * gravitational acceleration * height. The potential energy stored in the barbell can be converted back into kinetic energy when the barbell is lowered.

How do you work out a three digit ratio?

you get the sum and times with the subject total and times