Wear a cup to protect your genitals.
If you are playing a sport where groin injury is a possibility, then you should always wear a cup during practice and competition. This has nothing to do with age, and everything to do with preventing an accident.
Wear a cup to protect your genitals.
Depends , but if it is a cup bra, no. Usually when kids start to wear bras they wear sports bras, so that's what they should sleep in.
A cup is better worn than a plate. Good luck. Defense!
If your bra makes it hard to breath in, you should wear a larger band size bra. If your boobs don't fit in the cups of your bra, you should wear a larger cup size.
I wear my jock and cup over my compression shorts. My compression shorts have a contour pouch that keeps my junk contained, so it stays under the cup. The above answer is totally incorrect! You should wear your compression shorts over your cup-jockstrap so that the compression shorts hold your cup tight against your body! If you wear your cup over your compression shorts, your cup might not fit tight to your body and a blow there could just slam the cup against your testicles, causing pain and possible injury. Some cup-jockstraps do not hold the cup firmly in place against the body.
There is a crotch strap used for diving that should be protective. Check in with the experts.
Yes you should. A hard cup should be worn during baseball to prevent injury.
10 year old girls are not really supposed to be wearing any kind of cup size.It's best to wear training bras or sports bras...But if a 10 year old were to wear a cup size it would probably be a 32AA...11,12 and further that's when you really start to wear a cup size.
It would be a good idea, i do after a bad experience.