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If you are playing a sport where groin injury is a possibility, then you should always wear a cup during practice and competition. This has nothing to do with age, and everything to do with preventing an accident.

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Q: Should you wear a cup in high school?
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Should you wear a cup in middle school soccer?

A cup is better worn than a plate. Good luck. Defense!

When driven in reverse you should?

Wear a cup to protect your genitals.

Who won Manning Cup in 2005?

Calabar High School won the Manning Cup in 2005.

Do NFL players have to wear cup protection?

Yes we do wear cups

Do high school football players wear jockstraps?

Absolutely. My coach sent kids home if they didn't have one. Unfortunately not all high school football players wear a jockstrap. Keep in mind the difference between a jockstrap and a cup/cup supporter or cup jock. As players go from youth leagues into high school fewer of them wear a cup and supporter and more go to wearing a regular jockstrap. As a supplier of performance and protective apparel to schools and leagues I have seen an increase in the number of schools providing, requiring, or at least recommending that players wear a jockstrap in the last couple of years (it had been on a decline for 15 years). A jockstrap is the single most important piece of performance/protective apparel a football player can wear. A jockstrap will provide support and proper positioning for the testicles. A jockstrap is much cooler that cotton underwear or even compression shorts and harbors much less bacteria than underwear. Although a regular jockstrap will not prevent injury from a direct impact, it will reduce the damage done from such an impact by the fact that it keeps the testicle in the right position to retract into the abdoman minimizing damage. A jockstrap will increase testosterone production and thus adrenaline levels by maximizing blood flow and efficiency in the testes. As far as the schools and leagues I deal with I would guestimate that about 30-35% of high school players wear a jock, 60-70% of college football players and 80+% of pro players. Cup and cup supporters are probably at less than 5% of high school football players, 30-35% of middle school/junior high players and close to 50% of youth league (it is 50% of the teams require them not 50% on each team wear them-when required-those teams have better than 80% of the players wearing them). ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- But i disagree, i play high school football and im a sophomore. Well i remember in middle school coach said "i did not wear one we can't make you wear one " So i never wore one, but its at your own risk. You either wear it and feel uncomfortable and safe or dont wear one and be faster. I remember in pee wee we had to wear one but coaches don't make you.

When driven in reverse you should always?

Wear a cup to protect your genitals.

Your 11 yr old son says the other boys don't wear a cup playing tackle football so he doesn't want to either. Can anyone explain why or why not a cup should be used?

When I was young my coaches told us a cup was not necessary for football but it was manditory to wear something for support (a jock strap/athletic supporter). it is more important in baseball to wear a cup because the baseballs are thrown and hit at high speeds.

Should you wear a cup for water polo?

Yes, I am a diver and believe me YOU NEED A CUP. Especially if you are a beginner you are going to need protection for your testicles. The best way to wear it is if you wear a speedo wear two speedos and put the cup inbetween. If you wear a jammer, first put on a speedo, then put on a jockstrap and put the cup inbetween. Then just put your jammer on over it. If you really don't care what you look like than put on compression shorts then a cup the the jammer and on the outside put on a jockstrap. The cup that I like best is the Nutty Buddy it protects and supports your balls.

When children have bras should they wear it to sleep?

Depends , but if it is a cup bra, no. Usually when kids start to wear bras they wear sports bras, so that's what they should sleep in.

Should you wear bigger bras?

If your bra makes it hard to breath in, you should wear a larger band size bra. If your boobs don't fit in the cups of your bra, you should wear a larger cup size.

When playing lacrosse should you wear your jock and cup over or under your compression shorts?

I wear my jock and cup over my compression shorts. My compression shorts have a contour pouch that keeps my junk contained, so it stays under the cup. The above answer is totally incorrect! You should wear your compression shorts over your cup-jockstrap so that the compression shorts hold your cup tight against your body! If you wear your cup over your compression shorts, your cup might not fit tight to your body and a blow there could just slam the cup against your testicles, causing pain and possible injury. Some cup-jockstraps do not hold the cup firmly in place against the body.

When should an average 11 year old girl wear a cup bra?