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This would depend on your aim. If your are looking to loose weight I would suggest supplementing your cardio workouts with weight training, performing the weight training before the cardio as this will use up glycogen so you burn more fat during the cardio. Also it will increase your muscle mass, which will increase your metabolism, the rate that you burn energy. Also try going for a walk/run first thing in the morning, before breakfast as your glycogen stores should be empty so you will burn more fat than if you do cardio any other time of the day.

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Q: When should start lifting weigts you were 260 pound 2 weeks ago and now you are 251should you stay with cardio or start lifting weigts?
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How do you get a muscular chest?

Implants! Just kidding :) it takes alot of hard work, first off you need to lift weigts, and eat enough protein to sustain muscle growth, assuming that you're lifting heavy enough (between 6-12 repetitions per set) and eating at least a gram of protein per lb of lean body should be good, it's true that some build one easier than others, that can be chalked up to genetics, I've always had big shoulders with minimal training and it took a while for everything else to catch up. that being said here's some good exercises you can try: Flat Bench Barbell Press Incline Barbell Press Flat Bench Dumbbell Press Incline Dumbbell Press Incline and Flat bench dumbbell flys Weighted Dips and peck deck flys I would select 3-4 of these to use per workout, make sure you warm up!!!! that is a must!!! that means pick a real light weight that you can do 15-20 times and pump blood to that area and get the joints and muscles ready before you hop into the heavy stuff of 6-12 reps. Perform 2-3 sets of 6-12 if you're just starting out and focus on form!!!! Go to and they got some excellent tuitorials where you can watch exercises be demonstrated.

What exercise will build bigger chest?

The best way get massive chest muscles is to Train your chest like you train your legs 🔥🔥🔥 I have made a video "10 Effective Exercises To Build Big Chest Fast (At Home)" so you can check it out youtube. I hope it will be good for you! Mentioned exercises in video: 10 Effective Exercises Make Your Chest Grow Without Weigts At Home 00:00 PIKE EXPLOSIVE PUSH UPS 00:15 BEAR PUSH UPS 00:39 Incline Push Ups 01:27 Stop push ups 01:51 Diamond push ups 02:15 DIPS BETWEEN CHAIRS 02:55 SIDE TO SIDE PUSH UPS 03:13 STAGGERED PUSH UPS 03:40 SIDE PUSH UPS 04:43 BANDED PUSHUPS 05:14 Bonus Ex1. Hindu pushups 05:48 Bonus Ex2. Fly Towel Variation 06:18 Bonus Ex3. OPEN AND CLOSE HOP PUSH UPS 07:13