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Swimming constitutes all the elements of fitness. When an individual go for swimming each and every bones and muscle of the individual body comes in top play.

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Q: What sport contains all components of fitness?
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Is swimming a total fitness activity that develops all of the components of health related fitness?


Why is volleyball a good sport for fitness?

Yes, volleyball is a good sport for fitness because it helps all of your mussels like arms and legs defiantly.

What fitness components do you need when you pass a ball?

nothing at all

Does every fitness program include the five components of physical fitness?

There are at least ten components of physical fitness, and no, not every program will include them all. In fact, there are very few, with Crossfit being the only notable example.

What are Reasons for being fit in all physical fitness components?

To be the best person you can be.

Which of the following correctly identifies all the health related components of fitness?


What sport requires a high level of fitness from the begging?

All kinds of sports require high level of fitness. One must be physically fit to participate in any kind of sport. The basic requirement of any kind of sport is to have a lot of energy.

What fitness components you really need for dance?

you need your self that's all maby a fiernd

Of the seven principles of exercise what principle should include activities that address all fitness components?


Is the National Physical Fitness Award given to 13 year old boys who run the mile in 8 minutes and 06 seconds and girls who run the mile in 10 minutes and 23 seconds?

That is only one componet of the Presidential Fitness Test. There are 5 components. A child must pass all components in the top 85% range to get a Presidential Fitness Award. If they pass all components in the 65% range or better they get a National Award.

What are the differences between health and skill related components of fitness?

Health related fitness:muscular endurancemuscular strengthflexibilitybody compositioncardiovascular fitnessSkill related fitness:speedagilitypowercoordinationbalancereaction timesFor more information, see the related questions and answers, further down this page, under Related Questions.

A motherboard comes bundledwith a --- that contains drivers for all the onboard components?

With a CD