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At 32 a professional bodybuilder is nearing the end of his ability to build strength. That is why a lot of sports athlets tend to retire by their mid thirties. However, it's never too late for someone to start working out with weights you just have to be safe and work with what you can control. I have been arround gyms and know a few guys who train for regional competitions. A friend of mine is 44 and can bench 370 with no professional background or offical training other then his basement and a spotter.

I'm a Basketball player and some players like Dwight Howard and LeBron James are rumoured to be able to bench in the mid 300's. Some of the smaller players would not be able to bench 200. However, you might not be able to find a professional football player outside of the punter who couldn't bench 200lbs.

I would say 200 lbs is generally a strong man. It's a good benchmark for those who have been arround sports or consider themself hardy or strong. Because most men will not be disposed to heavy lifting they will never bench that much.

An average 32 year old man in North American culture could probably bench 150-170 or so with a weeker man benching under 140. Most men are also incapable of benching their own weight.

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15y ago
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13y ago

I'd say average 48 year old male can probably bench press his own body weight one time.

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9y ago

There is a wide range of abilities at 67. You should have an expert help you with the training since you would work up to whatever weight you lift.

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if You use less than 60% of your 1 rep max it's ok, otherwise you should only every oyther day if you're going to be bench pressing in order to get stronger or bigger, then no, do not bench press every day. If you are a woman or a man who wants to lift like a woman or look like a woman, then feel free to. Bench press is a man's lift. A big lift. A growing lift. You should bench press once per week. maybe twice. but go for big weight each time. Bench press is not cardio. So stay away from 60% max crap and stay strong.

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