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It all depends on what exercises you do with the weights, you can use just about all the muscles in your body depending on what muscle group you want to focus on.

The type of muscle you mainly use is skeletal muscles; the muscles connected to you bones

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13y ago
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14y ago

well different muscles are used for different exercises. these are the muscles used for these exercises.

----bent over row-latissimus dorsi, trapezius,lower back,triceps

----deadlift-lower back,trapezius

----military press-deltoids,triceps,trapezius,lower back

----bench press-pectoralis,triceps

----squat-quadriceps,calves,lower back

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14y ago

It really depends on the exercise. if you're using your arms, like pull-ups or push ups, then its your upper body, if you're using your legs, like jumping and running, then its your lower body, and if you're curling in your body or lifting up your legs or twisting, its probably your core.

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12y ago

any muscle can be used for lifting. A standard lift ie lifting a box from the ground utilises the anterior tibialis, soleus, gastrocnemius, semispinalis, semimembranosis, bicep femoris, tensor facia late, gluteus maximus, all of your quads, all of your spinal erectors, trapezius, scalenes, capitus muscles, deltoids, rhomboids, teres minor and major. all of your rotator cuff muscles, biceps, brachialis, forearm muscles, the muscles in your feet and hands. They all work in unison in this type of standard lift. Main movers are Quads, Glutes, Traps, Spinal erectors, Abdominals and Shoulders.

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14y ago

you have to name the weights and the excersizes,

for Ex; bench press; triceps, pectorials.

Ex; curls with hand weights; biceps.

Mostly your Bicipes and your Tricipes

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13y ago

depends on what weight lifting exercises your doing. example, squats will use your quads, hamstrings and abs, no upper body muscle will be the main target.

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15y ago

its good for your chest and tricepts

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Weight lifting is the process of contracting your muscles with applied pressure. With enough pressure being pushed muscles will eventually grow.

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