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That's a rather complicated question and has more to do with your conditioning than anything. If you do not run (or work out, swim, etc) other than whenever you run the mile, it can be upwards of the ten minute range. Medium amounts of running (by yourself a mile or three a couple times a week) or other physical exercise (though this might not be as effective) should work you into about the 7-8 or so minute range. Working out with others (which helps) five times a week, varying workout, etc.-which is easier if you are running on a cross-country or track team-might get you down to the six or even five minute range.

But remember, some people are made so that they run fast. It is part of who they are. Some people need to work a lot to run very fast, and some are not built for running. What really matters is the effort that you put in. If you are working out, the mentality that you bring and the willingness to try and work at it. If you are just running the mile, the attitude that you are going to give it what you can is what really matters-times are different for everyone, but dedication is universal.

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15y ago
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15y ago

I think around 7-8 minutes. Cause Itrain for runs and i am 15 and i can run 1 min in 5:45.

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14y ago

it depends but most do it in 30 Min's

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Is a 6 minute mile fast for a junior high girl?

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9 minutes but I get 6 40 on the mile and I run a lot so I would say about 8 *try to beat my time though :) It's not that hard when you have practice 3 times a week and you have games twice a week. And you go running. And you eat right.

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Yes it is a very good time. I'm 12 and run a 6:36 mile. Keep running and you will get better :)