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A Good Workout Would Look Like This To Bulk Up. Monday - Squats Sets 3x8 - Deadlift 3x8 - Chin Ups 3x8 Tuesday - Rest. Wednesday - Squats 4x10 - Deadlift 4x10 - Military Press 3x8 Thursday - Rest. Friday - Squats 5x10 - Deadlift 5x10 - Chin Ups 5x10

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Q: What is a good workout routine to bulk up?
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i take 50 but 18 is good if you don't want to bulk up but to stay fit that's good

What exercises are good to bulk up?

You must do compound exercises in order to bulk up, squats, deadlifts, bench press, shoulder press. Check out the related link for a workout program that helps you bulk up in 4 weeks. Gain 25 pounds in 4 weeks guaranteed.

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Incorporating a 5x5 warm-up routine into your workout can help increase blood flow to your muscles, improve flexibility, reduce the risk of injury, and mentally prepare you for the main workout.

How can I pump up my arms without curls?

Push-ups have proven to be a great arm workout. It works out several muscles in your arms and your chest. I recommend doing a good push-up routine and also a good bench press routine.

What would be the workout routine for Me?

Since I don't know You, it's a good idea to talk to someone who could get to know you, a personal trainer. They can set you up with a routine that works with your goals and schedule.

What are the benefits of using twist push up handles for enhancing your workout routine?

Twist push up handles can help improve your workout routine by increasing range of motion, reducing wrist strain, and engaging more muscles for a more effective workout.

What are the benefits of incorporating a v up workout into my fitness routine?

Incorporating a V-up workout into your fitness routine can help strengthen your core muscles, improve your balance and stability, and enhance your overall athletic performance.

What are the benefits of incorporating push up variations using dumbbells into your workout routine?

Incorporating push up variations using dumbbells into your workout routine can help increase muscle strength, improve stability, and target different muscle groups for a more comprehensive workout.

What are the different types of sit up exercises that can be incorporated into a workout routine?

The different types of sit-up exercises that can be included in a workout routine are traditional sit-ups, crunches, reverse crunches, bicycle crunches, and Russian twists.

What is the purpose of an effective warm-up in a workout routine?

The purpose of an effective warm-up in a workout routine is to prepare the body for exercise by increasing heart rate, blood flow to muscles, and flexibility, which can help prevent injury and improve performance.

What are some good daily workout routines?

P90x is all I can say. They have an amazing daily workout routine that changes it up each day creating something they call muscle confusion that makes you build muscle fast.