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your body makes more muscle tissues, which makes you "Ripped" Where ever your working towards. When you start to feel a pain, it's because your body releases lactic acid when your not getting enough oxygen into your body when your working out. When this occurs, you should take a break and do some breathing exercises.

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14y ago

The exact details are not yet known. Basically, however, resistance stresses a muscle so much that it requires repair. Therefore, when you lift weights in the gym, you are not actually getting stronger or bigger muscles; instead, you are breaking your muscles down.

With proper rest and nutrition, however, your body will repair your muscles so that they are stronger and sometimes larger than they were before you trained.

Therefore, rest and recovery are as important as training. Without sufficient rest and recovery, you will become overtrained, which may actually decrease the size and strength of your muscles as well as weaken your immune system.

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12y ago

Weight lifting makes your muscles stronger because they adapt to imposed demands. If you lift very heavy weights, your muscles will not get very big but if you lift lighter weights within the 8-12 rep range, your muscles will get bigger over time. Your muscles improve their strength and tone and size by way of adaptation by something called supercompensation.

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14y ago

This is a question with varied answers. If low weights and high (or many) repitions are used, a person will lose fat and muscle growth will be comparatively slow-repitions of 20 or above with 30 second rests in between sets should accomplish this. Medium weights with median repititions (12-18 repitions with 1.5 minute breaks) will tone muslce. That is to say, bodybuilders often will tone their muscle and make it more defined. High weight with low repititions (2-10 repititions with 3 minute breaks) will result in muscle size and strength and you will be seeking pure powerlifting status by doing so.

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14y ago

If you eat healthy and lift weights and give your musels enough time to full rebuild you should start gaining musels and losing fat.

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Weightlifting equipment won't stress your breathing and endurance, while cardio equipment won't bulk up your muscles.

What is weightlifter?

Weightlifting is exercise, sport, and a workout. It is when weights are used in different ways to help shape, grow, and strengthen different muscles.

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to have fun in your weightlifting room or pick up the groceries for your mom!

How do muscles grow after weightlifting?

They recover from the damage and super-compensate by growing bigger and stronger for the next go round.

How do you get bigger from weightlifting?

Heavy weightlifting overloads the muscles in such a way that it causes microtears in the muscle fibres. This sets off a subsequent release of testosterone and growth hormone, as the body rebuilds the muscle larger to deal with the increased demands.

What olympic disasters have happened?

the only one i know is someone dislocated their shoulder in weightlifting, ouch!

How do you build muscles from nature?

You can build muscles through weightlifting. Use dumbbells for biceps and triceps exercises; most gyms have weight machines specialized to strengthen other muscle groups.

How did people build their muscles during the sixteen hundreds?

They didn't have weightlifting back then. Instead they built their muscles by preforming outdoor activities. People during that time period were always physically active. They had chores to do so they built their muscles through their chores.