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Anything you want to do..but if you mean for exercise then you could always do sports. You can run or swim or ride a bike. Lifting weights is about the only way you are going to get bigger though (i mean muscle mass, not skeletal size)

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Q: What can thirteen year old boys do instead of lifting weights?
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Related questions

Can boys start lifting weights before girls?

Yes. A lot of boys do weights before girls. Some girls don't even do weights. A lot of girls do weights before boys as well. Some boys don't do weights either.

Is weight training just for boys?

Absolutely not, females are perfectly capable of lifting weights.

What age do you think someone should start lifting weights?

Well it depends on the person but usually not until they are 12. It still depends on the person, most boys start when they are11 though.

What age should you start lifting weights at?

It is generally recommended to start lifting weights around the age of 14-16, once the body has developed sufficient strength and coordination. It is important to start with light weights and proper technique to prevent injury. Consulting with a fitness professional or coach can help determine the appropriate starting age.

How does weight lifting stunt the growth of boys?

It doesn't. It's a commonly held myth. Normal, properly performed resistance exercise will not stunt growth in young people. Younger individuals should be carefully supervised when weight lifting, especially when attempting more complicated lifts with heavier weights. It's possible an injury resulting from improper use of weights could stunt growth, but it shouldn't be an issue if proper supervision and training is given.

Are thirteen yr old boys allowed to learn taijutsu?

if the boys parents are okay with it and the boy has a sound health then yes a thirteen year old boy can practice taijutsu.

What is the age where boys and girls become teenagers?

Boys and girls become teenagers when they reach their 13th birthday. (thirteen)

Are females stronger than boys until the age of thirteen years old?


What actors and actresses appeared in The Thirteen Most Beautiful Boys - 1964?

The cast of The Thirteen Most Beautiful Boys - 1964 includes: Fred Herko Dennis Hopper Gerard Malanga Billy Name Bruce Rudo

How big should twelve year old boys biceps be?

9 inches if off weights, depends on weight aswell, on weights over 10

How Long Do Boys Take On The Tolit - Under thirteen?

2 minutes - 30 minutes

Where did weightlifting originate?

it orginated in Europe when two boys were cleaning and were "competing" to lift the heaviest things. Thence weight lifting was born.