Hello, this news has just occurred this weekend 0f march 2013. A senior ( in high school!) benches 750 lbs!!! Only 5 lbs away from Larry Allen's record who was in the NFL
Cassey Hampton holds the team record for max bench press
He had a Bulldogs Bench Press record of 140 Kg for 3 reps
Markus Ruhl's best bench press record is at 600 lbs.
The world record for decline press bench press is 1,102 pounds held by Julius Maddox.
The current bench press record for men is 739.6 pounds (335.5 kg), set by Julius Maddox in 2020.
240 lbs
herschel walker
Vernon golston
Brady Quinn
400 lbs
On November 8, 2008, Ukrainian-American power lifter Ryan Kennelly set the world record bench press. Kennelly performed the record bench press of 1,075 pounds (489 kilograms) at the Pride Performance Strength Wars in Kennewick Washington. It was his third successful attempt of the day, with each attempt greater than 1,000 pounds. This lift bested his former bench press world record of 1,074 pounds (488 kilograms) at the United Powerlifting Association Bench Bash For Cash in Dubuque, Iowa (July 12, 2008). It was the fifth time in a row that Kennelly had bested the bench press record.
The lightweight bench press record for new york state is 225 pounds at a weight of 128 pounds.