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Probably soccer, because you move in different directions a lot.

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Q: Is soccer or cross country worse for your lower back and hip muscles?
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What lower body muscles are used for playing volleyball basketball tennis golf soccer and swimming?

For all these sports the muscles of the legs are needed.

What are the effects of cross country running?

It builds up your lower body muscles, as well as strengthens your heart, lungs, and general respiratory system. It also promotes teamwork and general friendly feelings.

How are shin splints prevented?

.Warming up and stretching calf muscles before running or jogging. Strengthening muscles in the front lower leg. Wearing quality shoes with arch supports. Athletes can cross-train in a sport that does not impact the feet and lower legs as much.

What better football or cross country?

Football works out more muscles, and cross country is really boring. Depends what you see as fun, cross country is more of a manly sport though cause not everyone can run 7 miles nearly everyday. Football is fun unless you're a scrub who has never played before. Also in football you work a lot on upper body -------------------------------------------------------------------- The upper answer isn't really helpful, since they're obviously into football so are knocking the other sport. Anyways here, football and cross-country are both very good sports. They both do wonders. Cross-country builds up you lower muscles, breathing. Football does upper strength. But, cross-country has no breaks, no half times, and no time outs. If you enter a race, you can't stop. It's all about distance and how into shape you are. Football, all you really need to know is how to attack and how to throw a ball...... I'm kidding, I'm kidding. Football is hard depending on how tough the other team is, or how hard your coach trains you. Same with cross-country. So really you decide which would be better for you, football or cross-country.

Which country has a Bible on its flag?

The Dominican Republic flag is quartered with a white cross. It is blue in the upper left and lower right and red in the lower left and upper right. In the center of the white cross, it has an open Bible and a gold cross as part of its detailed coat of arms. In Spanish, beneath the Bible are the words "God, Fatherland, Liberty".

What is the purpose of the lower arm muscles?

You have no muscles in your fingers only tendons. The muscles in your lower arm control your hand movements and grip strength

Mary is a cross-country runner whose coach has asked her to decrease her total body fat to 7 percent Will Mary's performance increase at this lower percent body fat.?

Mary's coach is an idiot. Cross-country running requires a great deal of nutritional stores in the body. Fat is our biggest long-term nutritional store. Fat has 9 calories per gram. Carbohydrates have only 4 calories per gram. Cross-country running will use carbohydrates for energy first. Then the fat stores will be used for energy. Once the fat stores are gone, the body will start to use protein - our your muscles. Hard to run without muscles.

Mary is a cross-country runner whose coach has asked her to decrease her total body fat to 7 percent Will Mary's performance increase at this lower percent body fat?

Mary's coach is an idiot. Cross-country running requires a great deal of nutritional stores in the body. Fat is our biggest long-term nutritional store. Fat has 9 calories per gram. Carbohydrates have only 4 calories per gram. Cross-country running will use carbohydrates for energy first. Then the fat stores will be used for energy. Once the fat stores are gone, the body will start to use protein - our your muscles. Hard to run without muscles.

How is playing soccer healthy for little kids?

Soccer has many benefits for children at a young age. From the physical aspects, soccer is primarly running and at the least walking. This cardio workout works the heart and lower muscles. As the kids get older, this fitness develops into not only the lower body, but the core and upper body. Socially, soccer also has benefits, in the sense that it is teaching kids to communicate and interact with others. Not only this, but how to work as a team to complete a common goal.

What occurs when the lower portion of the Soccer ball is struck?

Striking the lower portion of a soccer ball will cause the ball to travel in an upward direction.

How can i lower the soccer ball when shooting it?


Is the skin of the lower arm proximal to the muscles below it?

The skin is superficial to the muscles. The muscles are deep to the skin.