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if you can do all your daily things without any pain and if you have strengthened the muscles on and around your shoulder, then yes there is nothing to be afraid of

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Q: Is it safe to lift weights after dislocating your shoulder?
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My cousin would like to know is it safe to lift weights at the age of 12 twice a week?

It depends on how large the weights are....

Is it safe to lift weights when you are eleven?

yes if u want to break ur back

What If You are pregnant and take care of an elderly person Is it safe to lift and how much?

No it is not safe to lift heavy weights when pregnant especially not another grown up person. All the best to you!

Is it safe to lift weights during pregnancy?

As long as it is not too strenuos it shoulf be all right.

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if you are a big guy sure if not, not really a good idea...

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No, it is not safe to lift a baby under their armpits as it can potentially harm their delicate shoulder joints. It is recommended to support a baby's head and neck while lifting them.

What if your 8 year old son watches you lift weights and wants to lift too you want to teach him the bench press would this by safe?

Bad idea. The muscles in his body havn't fully developed yet and by lifting weights it would stunt muscle growth and may affect how tall he/ grows.

Is 1.M.R workout powder safe?

Yes. This is safe to use but only for those people who lift heavy weights and do intense workouts for advanced results. It can only harm you if you don't drink lots of water or if you overdose, otherwise 9/10 for this product.

Is it safe to use exercise weights during pregnancy?

Yes, it is safe to exercise using weights during pregnancy. It is tricky though so I would talk to your doctor. What is safe for one woman might be unsafe for another.

Are reclining lift chairs safe for all disabilities?

Yes, reclining lift chairs safe for all disabilities. Additionally, some reclining lift chairs are made specifically for certain disabilities.

Are exercise weights really safe?

Yes, small exercise weights are extremely safe, if you are going to use a larger or heavier weight you might want to have someone who is capable of spotting you incase something happens.

What is the correct way to shoulder a shotgun?

Place the shotgun bottom side laying on your shoulder, on safe or unloaded. DDT