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No. Definitely not. If your back hurts after workout it means, either you have a weak back or you are doing the exercises wrongly. Generally, doing heavy exercises like squats or shoulder presses with bad form or in an improper way puts a heavy stress on our back which causes Back pain. Some people who have met with accidents or due to any other reasons have a weaker lower back. If these people indulge in heavy weights workout without proper back support (Belt) they may get back pain.

First you take a week off from the gym to ensure that you do not have back pain.

Then, I would suggest you check out with a experienced mentor in the gym and get their opinion about the way you do heavy exercises. If they feel you are doing it wrong, find out the proper way and fix it. If you do not get any further pain after the workout it means your workout was the reason and nothing to worry.

Even after doing the exercises in a proper way you get pain, better consult a doctor...

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Q: Is it normal after lifting weights your back hurts?
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Why do body builders wear belts when they work out?

Wearing a belt while lifting weights is essential to prevent any problems with your back. It also supports your back while lifting heavy weights. It would be foolish to try to attempt to lift heavy weights without one.

Is it neccessary to wear a belt when lifting weights?

You do not have to use a belt when lifitng weights but it very wise. It helps prevents your body from muscle and back injuries.

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It is necessary to use safety precautions when lifting heavy weights as a housekeeper. The most important thing to keep in mind is to keep your back straight while lifting to reduce injury.

Can lifting heavier weights lead to wrist pains?

The weights can definitely be a factor. But if you are doing other lifting activates those could also cause it. You should definitely see if moderating when lifting works. And maybe move down a few pounds and then work your way back up.

If you can't do intense cardio due to an injury but still eat the same calories and lift weights will you gain weight?

It is the cardio that burns calories, and lifting weights will build muscle, so yes you will gain weight. However if you are of normal weight your appetite will probably adjust until you can get back to your cardio.

Why your back hurts?

Because you carry excessive weights or improperly carry weights. Wrong posture for extended period of time may also produce back pain. Back pain may also be associated with problems in colon or kidneys.

Is it good that your back hurts after few days of lifting weights?

In your case, my suspicion is that it is not good that your back hurts after lifting weights. It is common and acceptable to have a slight degree of muscle soreness after doing any type of heavy work. This is associated with the process of muscle development that occurs when the muscle tissue is pushed beyond its usual limit resulting in muscle breakdown; in response the body repairs the newly torn muscle tissue by increasing the size and number of cells that were engaged in the heavy work. As a result, continued exercise will increase muscle strength by increasing the size of those muscles being exercised. This is why to get stronger and larger a weight lifter must push his body to continually lift more and more weight, and he must allow time after heavy lifting in which he allows the body to heal and rest so the muscle can recover. However, you question only mentions the back hurting and not the arms, shoulders, legs or specific areas that are normally exercised when lifting weights. For this reason I suspect that you are incorrectly doing your weight lifting, and in the process injuring your back. You might be using incorrect technique or using weight that is far beyond your current capacity to lift safely. I suggest that you speak to someone who has lifted weights for a while, as at a local gym or health club to learn how to lift safely.

What weights and gym exercises can you do if you have a lower back injury and in the recovering phase?

I belive lifting weights or doing exercise would slow down the healing of the injury so i dont recommend doing any :)

How do you make your body use a specific muscle when lifting weights?

You have to a specific kind of workout with weights. For example, if you do lat pull downs which is a good back exercise and works the latissimus dorsi, trapezius, posterior deltoid, rhomboids, infraspinatus, and teres major.

What kind of home fitness equipment can make lifting weights less strenuous on my back?

A good brand of weightlifting equipment is Yukon. They offer great quality equipment for pretty good prices. I think another good brand of weights is bowflex.