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you're benching 80 + the weight of the barbell which can vary

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Q: If you have 40 lbs on each side of the bench press bar do you say you're benching 40 or 80 lbs?
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I'm 13 years old 5 foot 7 tall weigh 132 pounds bench press 95 10 times curl 35s each hand do 45 pushups in a minute 25 tricep dips and 12 pullups. Am I in good shape or do I need to work out harder?

Almost their just work on your benching because you need to at least bench your body weight.

Can 11 year olds bench press 60 pds?

in theory yes; it all depends on how much muscle mass you have and how long you have been weightlifting. To be safe when weightlifting, you must take 1 or 2 minute breaks in between each rep of 10. i highly recommend you bench press 35-75 lbs and 8 reps of 10 every other day. This allows your body to rebuild muscle mass. If your arms start shaking while you're pushing up then your benching too much weight.

Is it bad to bench press every day?

if You use less than 60% of your 1 rep max it's ok, otherwise you should only every oyther day if you're going to be bench pressing in order to get stronger or bigger, then no, do not bench press every day. If you are a woman or a man who wants to lift like a woman or look like a woman, then feel free to. Bench press is a man's lift. A big lift. A growing lift. You should bench press once per week. maybe twice. but go for big weight each time. Bench press is not cardio. So stay away from 60% max crap and stay strong.

What is the largest bench press?

On November 8, 2008, Ukrainian-American power lifter Ryan Kennelly set the world record bench press. Kennelly performed the record bench press of 1,075 pounds (489 kilograms) at the Pride Performance Strength Wars in Kennewick Washington. It was his third successful attempt of the day, with each attempt greater than 1,000 pounds. This lift bested his former bench press world record of 1,074 pounds (488 kilograms) at the United Powerlifting Association Bench Bash For Cash in Dubuque, Iowa (July 12, 2008). It was the fifth time in a row that Kennelly had bested the bench press record.

What can the average 17-year-old bench press?

It all depends on how much you weight, how long you have lifted and many other factors. A good scale to follow by is your body weight. The average 17 year old should be benching at or above your body weight. This is what a person should be able to lift, but if you take the average 17 yr. old the can not bench their weight.. take the average doest play football or wrestle, which is the 2 primary sports where weight lifting is part of the program. They will lift weights in basketball but it is for a different purpose not for bruit strength its more for stamina. Hell the average person should be able to do this as well but most people who do not work out can not lift their weight. And Lebron James CANNOT bench 400 lbs. Shaq cant do much more then 400 lbs.

How often should you bench press in one week?

When it comes to training the larger muscle groups like the chest, back, and legs, it is good to work them out with great intensity during a workout, and then provide them with plenty of rest. Some people claim that to bench press 3 times per week is not too much, but training them that frequently leaves them sore and diminished each time you rework them. You will overtrain doing this. Personally, i work chest and bench press at least once per week, but no more than twice per week, with usually 5-6 days in between chest sessions. That way, your chest is fresh and ready to grow each and every time. Bench pressing once per week has helped me to achieve a 400 pound bench press at 200 pounds bodyweight, so once per week training can be very effective...-the westside barbell programme advocates one day of heavy bench press and one of dynamic effort or explosive bench press at around 50-60% of your 1rm.

What are good workouts to improve your chest muscles?

The 2 best chest exercises in my most humble opinion are the bench press and weighted dips. These are compound exercises. As for isolation exercises, one may also want to try doing flyes with dumbbells and a pec deck machine. The bench press, which is one of the Big Five Barbell lifts has variations such as the incline and decline bench press which hit the chest muscles at different angles.

What is the fastest way to increase your bench press?

fastest way to bench well to start off you need to pass your plateau when you reached. What this means is when you cant increase your bench how to surpass it. Firstly you need to warm up . pick up the bar alone and bench it 10 times then add 10 pounds to each side and bench 10 times once your warmed up ( make sure your not tired) increase to about 50% maximum bench 6to 8 times then increases to 80% maximun and bench 4 to 6 times ( may want to do 2 reps) finally if you have a spotter increase to 105% of your maximum bench do till failure ex% if you bench 100lbs increase to 105lbs BUT MOST IMPORTANTLY get in protein either by meat or whey protein. Eat breakfast it is important and drink juice or eat fruits after a workout to replenish carbs . Sleep before 10 pm studys show the body repair during 10pm to 2 pm . AND REMEMBER this may not work for you if it doesnt change it up a little try warming up then going maximun and drease from there. Benching is hard it took me quite a while to reach 350lbs bench (3 years) so dont give up and make sure you rest for at least 48 hours give or take 10hrs ( depends on intensity of workout) p.s. supplement are okay steriods are not try and above those

How much can a person lift?

Here's what my high school football coach used as the benchmark for his players: Power clean: body weight Bench: 1.5x body weight Squat: 2x body weight Dead lift: 2.5x body weight Probably less than half of the guys could actually lift that much. I would say for a regular joe, if you can bench more than your weight and squat more than 1.5x your weight, you're not doing too bad.

How do you get a better bench press?

In order to increase bench press you must not do it more than every 2-3 days because your muscles need time to rest you can add weight to your bench press every 2 weeks with 5-10 pounds I usually bench press every 4 days and the that after my bench I like to work my triceps because triceps have a big impact on bench press also have you tried other workouts on your bench day like dumbbell press, dumbbells fly or incline and decline bench press you could also gain more muscle which could help you with the weight eat high protein foods such as chicken and lean steak also get lots of rest

What is the use of the players sitting on the chair of each team in basketball?

If you mean Bench Warmers (the person that stays on the bench because they stink) or not the starters..... then the reason is that if one of the starters gets tired then they can put in a substitution from the bench except the ones that stink (Bench Warmers)

Powerhouse wm1501 home gym and i'd like to know how do i calculate how much weight i can bench press?

According to the manual: 1st plate is 30 lbs and add 12 lbs for each additional plate for a max of 126 lbs.