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Protein is best after a workout. Muscles rip during exercise and the rebuilding process is what makes them stronger. That's when you need the protein. Also, protein before a workout can cause digestive issues during that workout. ______________________________________________________________________ Answer:

Creatine actually causes your muscle cells to absorb more water which makes them look bigger which gives us an illusion of extra size and mass. Effectively speaking, once you cut down on your creatine intake, the muscles would start releasing the excess water and you may end up feeling your muscles shrink in size. But, one good thing about creatine is that, it helps you gain that extra strength needed to do heavy workouts. Though it only packs water into our muscles, a properly administered dosage/cycle of creatine can help you in gaining weight and strength.

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15y ago
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Bm V

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1y ago

While taking protein pre- and post-workout and creatine after a workout can be beneficial for people who are trying to gain weight, it is not necessarily the "best" way. A balanced diet that provides enough calories and nutrients, along with regular exercise, is the most effective way to gain weight.

Protein is important for muscle building and recovery, so taking it before and after a workout can help support muscle growth. Creatine is a supplement that can help increase muscle strength and size, and taking it post-workout may help improve the effectiveness of resistance training.

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14y ago

Before and after. You should be taking creatine twice a day for best results. But be consistent!

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Q: Is the best way to gain weight to take your protein pre and post-workout and take Creatine right after a workout?
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Creatine does not shrink your testicles. Creatine is simply a protein and sometimes it is used to build muscles or help people gain weight.

Do you get fat after not using creatine?

Creatine helps with water and essential nutrient retention in your muscles (helping you recover faster and workout longer) - when you stop using it you LOSE weight because you stop retaining as much water. What you are left with is all of the muscle you had built up while using creatine and none of the water weight.

What is better cell tech or whey protein?

Cell Tech is a brand of Creatine. Creatine is a substance that helps to draw water into your muscles. Protein is used by the muscle to repair themselves as well as increase in size during the recovery period after working out. Recommended protein levels are 1 gram per pound of body weight. If you are not getting enough protein from your diet, Whey Protein is much choice than the creatine.

What vitamin do you need to take when weight training?

Take Vitamin D by exposure of skin to sunlight. Eat soya in the form of cooked vegetables. Soya contains (52%) proteins, which is more than twice that in meat (22%). Proteins are more important than vitamins when weight training, and for body building, because proteins are the building blocks of the body.

Which is better for fast muscle growth whey protein or creatine?

many prefer creatine over whey protein because whey protein has to be constantly mixed with a shake and by finishing the shake before any workout, you may feel bloated and full. creatine comes in pills which is a lot easier than getting full on a shake, so therefore, creatine would be the better substance to take for any hard core workout.

Will taking creatine cause weight loss?

No, when you start taking creatine you'll actually begin to put on weight as your muscles begin to store the creatine along with the water to process it. This results in a noticeable increase in muscle size and weight.

How much protein is safe to eat?

Typically the rule of thumb (in the workout world) is one gram of protein per pound of weight. Thus, if you weigh 135# you should eat 135 gms of protein.

Will you gain weight if you eat after working out?

Depending on what you eat you could. However you should have a light protein snack after a workout such a protein shake or apple with peanut butter to replenish some nutrients that your body used while you were working out and to help heal the muscles after a workout.

Vitamins and Supplements for Building Muscle and Losing Weight?

If you don't understand all the science of it, it more or less breaks down like this: You need vitamins to stay healthy and maintain high energy levels, protein is the raw ingredient of muscles and creatine opens up your cardiovascular system in order to transport the protein and vitamins to your muscles more effectively. Creatine can be found in large amounts in certain fish and nuts and grains, but it's easiest to get plenty of creatine in the morning by way of a protein shake or other supplements if you're trying to add on a lot of muscular weight in a relatively short amount of time.

Can you take Creatine to gain weight?

yes you can, I do.

What do body building protein shakes do?

If you are unsure of protein for muscular strength, you can look up how it helps to build muscle after a workout and it repairs muscles that have endured a strong weight training regimen daily.

If you exercise 2-3 times a day do you need protein and carbohydrates after each time?

My question would be: why are you exercising 2-3 times DAILY? Unless you are a professional athlete, there is no need for this excessive exercising. It is recommended that a 30 minute workout per day is adequate to maintain good health. The protein needed is dependent upon the workout itself. If you are doing heavy weight training then a protein supplement is most likely required, pre-workout and post. If cardio is the only exercise it would benefit to take protein post-workout. Carbs are important also, but the right type of carbs are essential. This would all depend on what your exercising goals are: weight loss, maintenance, bulk, training.