If you can bench 300 lbs. your in an elite group, there is no way to know exactly how many men in the u.S can bench 300 lbs.
Less than 1%.
The current bench press record for men is 739.6 pounds (335.5 kg), set by Julius Maddox in 2020.
300-1,200 soldiers.
there was 300 men and when they got to buchenwald there was only 254 men.
Talking to Strange Men has 300 pages.
300 men
Most men who don't lift weights cannot bench their own bodyweight until they have trained for a while. If you weigh 95lbs and have never lifted before start with 60-80lbs for 8-12 repswhen that becomes easy, obviously add a bit more weight I weigh 145lbs and I can bench 190 (1 rep max) but I've trained for about 1 year
16 pounds (7.26 kg)
500 men because their was 300 men and 200 elves
There are more than 300 FAQ about Abused Men on WikiAnswers.
Little Green Men - novel - has 300 pages.
About 300 Rohan men with an additional 200 or so elves from Lothlorien.