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Well it depends weather your a beginner or advanced in lifting weight but you cant work the same muscles every day it will not give you muscles enough time to rebuild. And ti depends if your doing full-body workout or split routines.

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14y ago

Ideally you should do it 5 or 6 times if you do it by muscle groups. Any more than that and you're overworking your body. I'd take a day off a week to keep your body fresh.

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15y ago

Probably 3 or 4 times per week.

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Q: How many days a week should someone do weight lifting exercise?
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there is no specific age for do exercise but it should be start from the age of 10th but not hard exercise which stop your growth, don't use weight lifting at this age weight lifting should be start after the age of 24th you can increase it slowly slowly..

Do you usually gain or lose weight lifting weights?

This depends on the person and the kind of weight lifting you do. The short answer however is that lifting weights should help you to lose fat and gain muscle. If you are lifting heavily in order to gain muscle mass, you will gain weight. However, if you are lifting to get lean muscle, it should help to lose weight.

How often and for how many minutes should you exercise each week?

You should exercise for at least 4 times a week and i suggest 1 hr. Make sure to change up the workouts. To see results faster you should to weight lifting prior to cardio.

Why would weight lifting for your chest be a bad idea?

If you are not in the best of health, weight lifting could be life threatening to you. See your Doctor for a health exam before you start any exercise regimen.

What are some good weight lifting workouts for someone just starting to weight lift?

For someone that is just beginning a weight lifting program, there are some great programs for beginners. Julie Benson has beginning weight lifting DVDs in her Absolute Beginners Series that work well for people that are just getting started.