you cant. but you can get abs by doing bicycle crunches and regular crunches.
It is a matter of one's own opinion if Three days Grace is awesome band or not. You would have to listen to the band yourself to figure out if they're awesome or not in your opinion.
Work out. See a personal trainer who can arrange you for a schedule that would fit your specific needs in obtaining awesome abs. Also, define for yourself what exactly 'awesome abs' are so you have a goal to work towards.
he played in the twilight series and has awesome abs
You cannot. Three days is simply not enough time to reach that goal, but if you start working out it will definitely be beneficial and make you feel better!!
yes it does
You can work out your abs every day, if you vary the exercises that you use. If you want to only do abs once or twice a week, you should do a number of different exercises on those days.
you dont
You'd have to listen to their songs to figure for yourself if you like the band since everyone's opinion differs.
This is my opinion they are so hot. They have beautiful eyes, hair, and have awesome abs and muscles. Does that help :)
2000 sit ups a day]