Why not use weights? This matters actually. Weights are used because their weight provides resistance to movement forcing you to use more strength with triggers the building of muscle. How often you do these excersizes, how much resistance/weight you use, how long a session is and how long you hold a position and how many reps you do all affect what sort of muscle you will put on. You will either strengthen existing fibers or create new ones. Usually people do both. You can end up bulking up very little, some or a lot (women and men will have different results.) If you want to avoid the expense of weights use water or sand in bottles or cans of food. These have weight and are cheaper. I would advise getting real weights tho, you can find them for $1 per lb so it is worth the expense to have something easier to hold. If they just aren't your thing try rubber bands, they sell special ones that also provide resistance like weights but instead of lifting something heavy you stretch something. Or you can use your own weight, crunches, push-ups, pull-ups, running and other equipment-free exercises make use of your own weight to provide the resistance. I like a combination, keeps things fresh and helps ensure that I am working all my muscles fairly evenly. Talk to your doctor or a fitness counselor for more information about a good routine for yourself. :)
You don't.
Dude you can use the isometric or plyometric manners !! Simply by using your body weight (such as push ups or standing calve raises ) Heck take a rope and wrap it around a pole and you can get curls lats back and support for squats and calf work for absolutely no money !! Get you some whey protein and a bottle of branch chain amino acids ( Be sure to take the aminos to your body weight / that means multiply the milligrams to equal the grams needed for your body weight !! Im 205 so I have to take like 10 a day !! Anyway you can build a great body w/out touching one single weight !!
The main question on this topic is where do you want to build muscle? For a core workout the best thing is press ups and sit ups. You can do the same work through different means at the gym or select a specific group of muscles to work on.
If you want good upper body strength the best thing is press-ups nothing can beat this simple workout, every night before bed just do as many as possible, the next night add 5 more press ups to the workout keep this up an u will see a result quickly. There is no fast way to building muscle nor is there a easy way but with hard work you can get a good body.
For in depth information about how to build muscle effectively, see the page link, further down this page, listed under Related Questions.
It depends what you want, bulk or definition. There are several schools of thought . Resistance, overload, super setting. You could see three trainers and each would say something different. If you can't afford seeing a trainer to set up a routine go on line, to the muscle mags also buy a few of the solid kind research and see what type of muscle you like and want. Read the articles and form your work out around them. Put off protein drinks until a few months into your working out. A change of better diet, increasing protein, decreasing carbs slightly will help but be sure you don't suffer deprivation as you start into this new territory. Start slow!!!!! If you hurt yourself, or your repair time is too painful you may give up. To be perfectly honest the best investment you could make is have a personal trainer get you going. They can test your fitness level, gage your ability and desire and get you going in the direction you need to. Meanwhile you get reading and start doing a little on your own as things start getting easier.
There is no good way. Your muscles will grow in response to resistance training and, assuming that you are an adult, they will not grow without it. You can do resistance training without dumbbells, barbells, or strength training machines (by, for example, pressing against something), but without very favourable genetics, it is not possible to get muscular without resistance training.
The deadlift is regarded by many as the king of mass builders. And for a good reason since it works more muscles simultaneously than any other strength training weight lifting exercise. It effectively adds slabs of muscle to the lower and upper body. When properly executed it is risk free. It employs and strengthens over 25 major muscles including those of the entire back (lower, middle, upper), the shoulders, abdominals, forearms, hips (gluteal muscles) and the legs (hamstrings and quadriceps). The deadlift is a true measure of somebodys strength. The deadlift world record is 1,015 lb by Benedict Magnusson.
Any abdominal toning exercise will help you build muscle. To build more defined muscles, you need to add weights to your exercise. This could mean using a weight machine, using free-weights, or using ankle weights.
Lift weights :-) Lift weights :-)
if your upper body is heavier than the weight you're using, then possibly.
use the bench press, that's not a machine it's free weights. If you meant without using weights at all do push ups. those are calisthenics
Lifting weights at the gym can help increase your strength and build muscle mass.
Resistance training is using light weights to build muscles. A good cardio and training program would incorporate weights, muscle burns more than fat and tones better than cardio.
3 weeks
The best way to build muscle endurance is to use your muscles often. In the gym, this means doing more reps, often with moderate weight. You will not build muscular endurance using heavy weight (more than 80 of your one-rep max), because you cannot do many reps this way. You will not build muscular endurance using light weights (less than 25% of your one-rep max) because the weight is not heavy enough to really engage your muscles in a meaningful way. There is no shortcut for building muscular endurance. Outside of the gym, endurance is built the same way: using your muscles a lot. This can be done by playing sports that engage those muscles, or by working a physical job that does the same. It is not possible to build muscular endurance without repeatedly and meaningfully engaging the muscles for which you want to build endurance.
Of course. Lunges are the best exercise for increasing the butt / glutes. Using weights builds the muscle. Make sure you eat well (not junk food, that just makes fat globs) and include a lot of protein to build the muscle.
To optimize your workout routine when stacking weights, start by using heavier weights for fewer repetitions to build strength. Gradually increase the weight as you get stronger. Focus on proper form and technique to prevent injury. Consider incorporating a variety of exercises to target different muscle groups. Listen to your body and adjust the weight as needed to challenge yourself without straining.
You have to have resistance to build muscles. Weights are a form of resistance. So is gravity! So you can do pull ups, push ups, sit ups, crunches, and lunges to build up strength. You can do what are called isometric exercises where you pit one muscle against another. Example place your hands together, one palm facing up the other down. Push hard and count to ten. Flip over your hands and repeat. Repeat as many times as desired. Running, swimming and most martial arts will help build muscle tone and strength.
No. Free weights are weights that you can either add to a bar, or lift by not using a machine. Gazelle exercise machines are more designed for cardio. Gazelle exercise machines have been reviewed as 'not exactly worth it' and 'better off buying a treadmill'. Free weights are more for strength, and can build arm and leg muscle quickly if used properly.