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Q: How can your thought affect your physical performance?
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Each product has specific chemical and physical prperties.

Does cold affect physical performance?

It affects blood pressure and heart rate. It can interfere with the normal respiration which has a huge affect on speed. The weakness drops the stamina.

What physical changes occur during puberty and adolescence that affect physical performance in boys and girls?

Muscle growth increases giving better performance in sports for both boys and girls. Puberty is the onset of changing from child to adult in both body and brain.

How does drinking alcohol affect your sports training and performance?

Alcohol consumption leads to nerve disorders and also Jaundice. Under such conditions the person becomes unfit for any stress-laid physical activities. So drinking alcohol does affect the sports training and performance

Does math anxiety affect the math performance of the students?

It is possible for anxiety to affect a student's performance. It could affect their ability to concentrate.

Can you give me an experiment?

If you mean a science experiment, you could test whether playing certain types of music affect a student's performance on a test. *Just a thought*

What drugs affect sport performance?

ALL DRUGS will affect your performance in some sort of way.

How does oxygen debt affect performance?

it affect performance because lactic acid builds up in your muscles, which then causes shortness of breath and affects performance.

What is the meaning of a physical imperfections?

Physical imperfections refer to flaws or abnormalities in the appearance or structure of an object or organism. These imperfections can affect its functionality, aesthetic qualities, or overall performance.

How can sport performance affect girls and boys?

it can give you a boyfriend/girlfriend which will make a bright future and your physical and nonphysical appearance will change for the better. Hope that helps

What does study habits affect study performance?

All study habits affect performance! Here's a good link.