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NO, lifting weights does not make you slower. if you lift weights your muscles will tighten and you will get stiff. as a result you will loose speed. but your stamina also has a part. best thing to do is work on reps and do alot of stretching before and after a work out to keep loose and relaxed. that will keep your speed better than you think.

no that is an urban myth. with stretching and performing the right amount of sets, and not over training, your metabolism will increase and you will become faster.
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no, in fact just the opposite. i am a bodybuilder who is 6 and a half feet tall.

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No it promotes growth, unless your young an your body is not fully developed then you could cause damage.

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13y ago

It slows it down a little, and then reverses it (you gain weight) as you lift more. Muscle weighs more than fat.

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