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Not in the long term. Obviously, if you are tired for the rest of the day after a heavy training session or if you have DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness) a day or two after a heavy training session, you may not feel like sex. However, in the long run, proper weight training will increase your lean body mass and that increases your likelihood of enjoying good health and all that goes with it.

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Q: Does heavy weight training affect libido?
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How does weight affect performance?

weight affect performance for many reasons, if you are heavy weight you can't run faster, but it's good as well if you are heavy weight nobody can tackle you in football.

How do you gain mass weight training?

Heavy Weight, Lots of Sets, and Low Reps.

How long does blood pressure stay elevated after heavy weight training?

45 minutes to an 1 hour after training.

Will working out to young affect growing patterns?

The best time to start weight training is at the age of 15 anything lower which consists of heavy compound excersises may not be the best thing to do

What weight is heavy weight?

Heavy weight is typically considered to be any weight that is challenging for an individual to lift or move, usually in the context of weightlifting or strength training. The specific definition of heavy weight can vary depending on a person's fitness level, experience, and capabilities.

How do you gain weight to get muscle?

You don't gain weight in order to get muscle. You overload your muscles with heavy weight training, and then eat more to fuel the muscle growth.

Weight training at 13 Good or bad?

You have to be careful weight training at that age, because your bones are still at a formative stage. Some limited weigh training is fine, but you would be better advised to get for low weight high reps, rather than high weight low reps.

I would like to start weight training. Any ideas for a safe weight loss while I am weight training?

While you are weight training, you will build muscles. These muscles will have its own mass and add to your overall weight. However, as they become bigger and more effective, they will burn more fat. You may notice some weight loss, and this is safe. If you do not want to bulk up, do not use weights that are too heavy.

Will weight training shoes protect my feet?

Yes, weight training shoes may help protect your feet from harm while working out. It is also important that you start out slowly and gradually increase your weight training. It is also useful to stretch and warm up the body before a heavy work out to avoid injury.

How does weight affect you in ice hokey?

it affects you by all the heavy padding underneath. having more weight may not keeep you balance while skating.

What kind of workout builds lean muscle?

Light weight training builds lean muscle. Heavy weight training creates larger tears in the muscles, causing them to rebuild aggressively. Use dumbbells that are no more than 10 pounds for your biceps.

What size heavy bag should you buy?

Probably 100lb. The weight determines the resistance and if you are having to ask this question, you probably have little or no training.