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either one works good but whatever type of weight lifting or muscular exercise you do just make sure to be consistent

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Q: Does doing 40 push-ups 5 times a day build up more muscle than lifting 15 pound weights 3 to 4 times each day?
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What is the quickest way to build muscle?

The quickest way to build muscle is to start lifting weights. Start off with lighter weights until you can lift them easier and start increasing the weights.

Are you still building muscle if you are not sore after lifting weights?

If you want to build muscle you have to get sore, if you don't your just maintaining.

How do you build calf muscle?

You can do exercises that work that area of your body, such as lifting weights or riding a bike.Running and Biking.

Do dietary supplements , such as those available at GNC, help build muscle tone when used in conjunction with lifting free weights ?

They don't help build muscle, but they do increase your intake of protien which is what your body needs to build muscle.

How do build chest muscle?

There are many exercises that you can do to build up your chest. If you are new to lifting weights, I would suggest sticking with the basic compound movements. This would primarily be the barbell bench press. You can do flat, inclined, and declined bench presses. You can also do dumbell chest presses, pushups, dumbell flies, etc.

Do you get fat if you quit lifting weights?

This answer depends on your diet. If you continue to consume the same amount of calories after you quit lifting, then yes you may get fat. Lifting weights burns calories and muscles need these calories to build more muscle. If you quit lifting weights, your body no longer needs as many calories. Also, your metabolism will slow after you quit lifting weights. Now, if you quit lifting weights and also cut calories, you will not get fat.

What is a trait from lifting weights?

muscular build

Are dumbbels and pushups appropriate for building muscle for 14 year olds?

Yes, weight-lifting is a great way to build muscle for any age. Just don't overwork yourself and lift only as much as you can handle.

Will lifting weights burn fat and build muscle?

Yes lifting wights does burn fat an tone are moving while lifting an moving burns lifting weight tighten the fat flab so it's not saggy.

What are some good first steps to take if one's goal is to have big arm muscles?

In order to have big arm muscles, one must do exercises that will build muscle in the desired area. Bench press, pushups, and lifting weights are a good place to start. One must also gradually increase the weight and number of repetitions in order to keep building muscle.

What are the benefits of lifting weights?

increased strength, muscle tone, bond density and general fitness.

A sentence using the word weight?

Lifting weights at the gym can help increase your strength and build muscle mass.