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Creatine is a natural part of muscles. But it tends to dehydrate you, taking it out of the muscle. You need to drink a lot of water when you're on creatine.

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Q: Does creatine put water in your muscles?
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Related questions

Will taking creatine cause weight loss?

No, when you start taking creatine you'll actually begin to put on weight as your muscles begin to store the creatine along with the water to process it. This results in a noticeable increase in muscle size and weight.

Can you take creatine with water pills?

You can mix creatine with diet pills. It would not hurt anything or cause any negative side effects. Creatine provides energy to the muscles in your body.

How does creatine make your muscles bigger?

creatine is a delivery system . it helps to pump your muscle with water and vitamins, that's why you should take protein with it . pumping muscle with water and protein will give you size and strength.

What is the best drink to put creatine in?

it is thought that taking creatine with a sweet juice is absorbed better..but later studies state its the same with can take creatine with your post workout shake which means protein,water,dextrose,creatine.... there are lines of flavored creatines you can mix with water alone and are tasty.

Do you get fat after not using creatine?

Creatine helps with water and essential nutrient retention in your muscles (helping you recover faster and workout longer) - when you stop using it you LOSE weight because you stop retaining as much water. What you are left with is all of the muscle you had built up while using creatine and none of the water weight.

Is amplified wheybolic extreme 60 a type of creatine?

No, Amplified Wheybolic Extreme 60 is not a type of Creatine. It is simply a protien that has sugars in it that will crystalize on your muscles if you don't drink enough water.

Which groups of words are energy sources for muscles?

Creatine phosphate and ATP are both sources of energy for the muscles. Creatine phosphate is found in vertebrate muscle, while ATP can be found anywhere within the cell.

Does six star professional strength creatine work?

Creatine powder does, but not creatine pills. Creatine powder works really well because you mix it with water and that water goes into your bloodstream, forcing the creatine into your muscles, opening up your musles and all that water weight going in to it. On the other hand, creatine pills doesen't work that well at all because it's harder and much longer to digest, and it's more dense.The reason it's a little more expensive than creatine powder because it's harder to make.

Would taking Creatine ruin your physique or make your muscles softer if it makes you retain water?

I am not a doctor but, I can share with you my experience with creatine. No, I don't think taking creatine would ruin your phsique. I recall taking creatine a while back as part of my workout routine when I wanted to have a nice build. It did make me look better, had more muscle, more solid..if you know what I mean. The human body is made up of mostly water so I think the water retention helps build your muscles too. Read up on creatine on the web.. Creatine helps the body recover quicker when working out. It is produced naturally in the body, but when supplimented it has an increased effect. Your muscles retain more water giving a bigger look to them. However, if your body fat levels are low, creatine can make muscles look less striated. I like creatine, because it takes away bloating from my stomach to other parts of my body. Unlike anabolic steroids, it does not require on/off cycles, but does require getting enough fluids daily to keep it being excreted in the urine.

What level of muscle use the creatine-phosphate powers?

The level of muscle that creatine-phosphate powers is striated or skeletal muscles.

How does creatine build muscle?

Without getting overly scientific about it, Creatine simply gives your muscles more energy, so you can maybe do 2 more reps on each set or maybe 4 sets instead of 3 etc. Thus your muscles grow more effectively. It also makes your muscles retain water so they look larger anyways.

How long creatine stays in your system?

An hour or two in your bloodstream. A few days in your muscles. Give about a week to clear your system of ingested creatine.