Andro is a ph ( prohormone) which boost testosterone so yes, Andro will build muscle drastically faster than creatine however, creatine is the safer way to go but it will take you a lot more time to build muscle on creatine
Creatine is a liquid that helps to build muscle so no
Creatine is a chemical that provides energy to muscle and is taken to build up muscle. Injecting it into a mouse would probably add muscle and give it strength.
Creatine by Cell Tech is commonly used to help build muscle. They can be purchased from: My Protein, Powerhouse Fitness, Echo Supplements, Discount Supplements.
Creatine is one of the most highly recommended supplements for body builders. Creatine not only helps build muscle, it provides energy for more effective workouts.
Creatine actually causes your muscle cells to absorb more water which makes them look bigger which gives us an illusion of extra size and mass. Effectively speaking, once you cut down on your creatine intake, the muscles would start releasing the excess water and you may end up feeling your muscles shrink in size. But, one good thing about creatine is that, it helps you gain that extra strength needed to do heavy workouts. Though it only packs water into our muscles, a properly administered dosage/cycle of creatine can help you in gaining weight and strength.
Creatine is the most well researched body building supplement or sport supplement available. It has been around for a long time and has been proven to be relatively safe and effective, a very rare find in the supplement world. Creatine can help you to build muscle and get stronger much faster than you can on your own. However, creatine is not magic: you will still need to eat correctly (plenty of protein) and workout to see results. For information about the effectiveness, side effects, safety, and pretty much everything else on creatine, check out the guide in the links section.
Creatine earned a bad reputation from high school-age wrestlers who were both trying to build muscle and make their weight. In some instances they were also taking huge quantities of creatine with the thinking that if a little was good for building muscle a lot would build a lot of muscle. This is bad for your health in many ways. Creatine works by increasing the fuel storage capacity of muscle tissue and to do this it has the potential to pull water away from other organs and tissue. Proper dosing and a recommended doubling of water intake is therefore crucial for creatine to be both safe and effective. One side effect of creatine use in some people is muscle cramping. Because it is nearly impossible to study spontaneous muscle cramping the actual mechanism of it not well known. Drinking lots of water, empirically, seems to help with creatine induced muscle cramping. It can also cause death to cells in the upper membrane of the skin. This eventually causes skin aging and spots which aging cream cannot treat.
If you would like to build muscle, just increase strength or improving performance, then you have to do hard work as well as need to take a supplement called creatine.Creatine formulas compared
to make you build muscle without you hurting yourself. you will build muscle faster with it but it also keeps you safer. dont ask me how it just does.
Yes and No..... Creatine is naturally made in your body everyday. When you take creatine all it does it put more mass(water molecules) into your muscle cells. If you take creatine and do not take enough water, cramping and kidney problems may occure because of dehydration of your body's cells. If you take creatine and drink about one gallon of water a day, you will have no kidney problems what so ever!Creatine is a great product for building muscle faster and I recommend it.
both are good for muscle building.
To build up muscle as fast as possible, you need to work out at least 6 days a week and do weight lifting. Also, there are things you can take to help you bulk up faster like whey protein. The protein will help you build muscle faster and make your muscles larger.