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better off swimming till wrists feel better and do pushing exercises with weights istead of pulling exercises

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Q: Could you lift weights while suffering from wrist tendonitis?
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Are bowed tendons and tendonitis the same?

Sort of - bowed tendons are one example of tendonitis. Tendonitis is simply inflammation in a tendon while a bowed tendon refers to tearing of the superficial digital flexor tendon along the back of the cannon bone.

Can you have epicondylitis on your thumb or hand?

No. Epicondylitis is inflammation of the Epicodoyle which is found in the elbow. there are different kinds of tendonitis that affects the hands and thumb. while epicondylitis is a type of tendonitis is is most commonly found in the elbow

What is deltoid tendonitis?

Tendonitis is inflammation, irritation, and swelling of a tendon, which is the fibrous structure that joins muscle to bone. While Tendonitis can effect any tendon it is not common to find Tendonitis in the deltoid tendon. The deltoid muscle is a large triangular muscle covering the shoulder joint and serving to abduct and flex and extend and rotate the arm. Most often pain in the shoulder has to do with the Rotator Cuff muscles or arthritis in the shoulder joint.

You are 27 yr old women and If you are lifting weights is it normal for you to gain weight on the scale?

If you are lifting weights while you are on the scale you are bound to weigh more. However, if you find that after you have been lifting weights you weigh more this could be due to the fact that muscle weighs more than fat.

Do I need to wear special shoes while using free weights?

Yes, it is best to wear good fitting, firm gripping shoes while lifting weights.

What are some good footspeed workouts?

you could you ankle weights and put them on while running or any type of weight like backpacks, extra clothing etc.

How do you breath when lifting weights?

Exhale while lifting, inhale while relaxing.

What are the differences between free weights and exercise machines?

Using machines provides more structure when working out while free weights provide more function. There are more exercises that can be done while using free weights that cannot be done with the machines. You can do dead lifts or squat-to-overhead press lifts while using free weights that cannot be done while using a machine thus working out more muscles overall.

Why do body builders wear belts when they work out?

Wearing a belt while lifting weights is essential to prevent any problems with your back. It also supports your back while lifting heavy weights. It would be foolish to try to attempt to lift heavy weights without one.

Are free weights a good option for a long distance runner?

Yes, there are exercise routines that work the legs while using free weights.

Can you lift weights with a blood clot?

My doctor said I could do so, and It didnt affect it. They encouraged me to continue lifting because it kept the blood flowing, but I was lifting while on Warfrin.

Can laughing while lifting weights cause testicular problems?

Not unless you drop a weight on them while laughing.