

Best Answer

yes , protein post workout will not effect the effectiveness of muscle pharms assault, if at all it will enhance its effects by providing energy broken down by the body into 2d like chains called amino acid, but the protein will definitely improve recovery and add mass while the workout will enhance your workout by give you the energy and mindset you need in the gym to get big , good luck and lift hard :)

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Q: Can you take Muscle Pharm Assault as a pre-workout supplement with Ergo Pharm GF Pro as a protein post-workout?
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onesource optimal nutrition is the most versatile since its milk based and has every essential amino acid which is what aids recovery.

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No. It's a supplement.

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Yes. Peanut butter contains protein, healthy oils, and complex carbs making it healthy and it will provide fuel to your body for a workout.

Is powder protein a drug?

No. It's a supplement.

What is whey protein powder?

Whey protein powder is the preferred protein supplement, as it is the most bio-absorbent, and consists of natural dairy protein. It is best to get an isolated form of whey protein.

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Supplement with whey protein and BCAAs as these will help you to increase the size of your muscle along with lifting weights. Ensure you have a diet which has good amounts of protein.

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A protein disk is called a protein wafer. It is a thin, flat, round-shaped snack or supplement that is made primarily from protein sources such as whey protein.

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Where can I get protein supplement reviews?

If it is harmful because of the medications or prescriptions you are currently on, check with the labels and companies to see if it is risky to mix the protein supplements with the prescriptions. In addition to this, visit the protein supplement company website to view health information and potential risks and side effects.