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the thing is creatine fills the muscle with water hydrating it so it can work better and thus swells, so after coming off creatine you wont actually loose muscle if you keep training and eating right but you will loose water out of your muscle and unfortunately they will slightly shrink.

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Q: Best way to keep muscle gained with creatine with out taking it anymore?
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Does creatine put water in your muscles?

Creatine is a natural part of muscles. But it tends to dehydrate you, taking it out of the muscle. You need to drink a lot of water when you're on creatine.

What happens when you are done taking creatine?

you begin to lose muscle weight.........all tht bloated muscle tht u got after taking creatine is mostly water, so when u stop u began to lose water and thus shrink ur muscle size..........

Will taking creatine cause weight loss?

No, when you start taking creatine you'll actually begin to put on weight as your muscles begin to store the creatine along with the water to process it. This results in a noticeable increase in muscle size and weight.

Does creatine cause muscle cramps and bloating?

usually ya it does cos creatine hold water . but with proper abs exercises it can be neglected and also you loose your bloating one you stop taking creatine.

What Are Creatine Supplements?

If you have recently gotten into working out and have looked for information about various supplements that are available, you have probably heard of creatine supplements. However, you might be unsure of whether or not you can benefit from taking these popular supplements. If you are thinking about taking creatine supplements, you should think about a few things first to ensure that they are right for you.Creatine is NaturalIf you are concerned that creatine might be bad for your body, you should know that creatine is actually something that your body creates. Along with creating it itself, your body also gets creatine from foods that are rich in protein, such as fish. Therefore, creatine in and of itself is entirely safe.There Are Benefits to Taking CreatineWhile you are deciding whether or not creatine is something that you should take, you should consider the benefits to taking creatine supplements. For instance, creatine can actually create an energy reservoir in your body; this will allow you to work out harder and maintain your endurance. It can also help promote lean muscle mass, muscle work capacity and muscle strength, and it can help reduce muscle waste. This can lead to better workouts and the muscles that you have always wanted.Negative Things to Consider About CreatineAfter reading about creatine, you may have decided that creatine supplements are the perfect thing for you. However, you should realize that there are negative sides to creatine supplements, and some of them are pretty serious.The less serious side effects of taking creatine supplements include nausea, an upset stomach and cramping. More serious side effects can come from them, however, including kidney and gastrointestinal disorders, and men can even grow breasts from taking creatine supplements.To avoid these negative side effects, talk to a professional about your age, fitness level and other deciding factors about your life and lifestyle. Also, do not be afraid to get off of the creatine supplements if you notice any negative side effects that make you uncomfortable. However, you might find that creatine supplements are the perfect thing for you and your workout.

Can you take Creatine supplements while taking Abilify?

no do not take Creatine supplements while taking Abilify

What is creatine ethyl ester used for?

Creatine Ethyl Ester(CEE) is used to gain lean body mass and muscle strength. You will also have better athletic performance when taking CEE. You can also improve your phsique with CEE.

What is the substance in Creatine that makes it a performance enhancer?

Creatine monohydrate is the substance in creatine that is known to enhance athletic performance. It helps to increase the production of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) in the muscles, providing more energy for high-intensity activities such as weightlifting and sprinting.

Does Creatine 189 do anything weird?

Yes, When taking Creatine 189 you will start to poop out the shell of the pill. Creatine 189 is a great supplement to use.

Is it safe to drink alcohol when taking creatine?

It is safe, but it the alcohol will cancel out the creatine, making it a complete waste

Why is creatine bad for you?

Creatine earned a bad reputation from high school-age wrestlers who were both trying to build muscle and make their weight. In some instances they were also taking huge quantities of creatine with the thinking that if a little was good for building muscle a lot would build a lot of muscle. This is bad for your health in many ways. Creatine works by increasing the fuel storage capacity of muscle tissue and to do this it has the potential to pull water away from other organs and tissue. Proper dosing and a recommended doubling of water intake is therefore crucial for creatine to be both safe and effective. One side effect of creatine use in some people is muscle cramping. Because it is nearly impossible to study spontaneous muscle cramping the actual mechanism of it not well known. Drinking lots of water, empirically, seems to help with creatine induced muscle cramping. It can also cause death to cells in the upper membrane of the skin. This eventually causes skin aging and spots which aging cream cannot treat.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of Creatine?

Crearine is for muscle building. It will make you gain weight. If you have to take drug test I would not take it on the day of or a few days before because it will cause you to fail. Creatine is indeed used when building muscle, however just taking supplements won't have any beneficial effects. Muscles grow though microscopic tears in their fibres which are then fixed as new supportive layers are constructed. This fixing and reconstruction can occur faster when there have higher levels of creatine available to them. On the topic of drugs tests mentioned above, creatine is a perfectly legal protein supplement and will not result in failure of any blood tests. It will however result in slightly odd urea and electrolyte levels, something doctors check to monitor how well your kidneys are working. Explaining that your taking these supplements will solve this problem. Taking too many creatine supplements however will produce diarrhoea...