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Well I'm 14... and not built huge in the way that I have a average to small body frame, but I lift 6 kilos in curls and can bench 20 kilos about 25 times non stop (I'm just using mine as a guideline).... so at sixteen if you are just starting on weights if you're quite strong start on a weight like 6-10 curl or if your stronger 10-15 or whatever. You should be able to lift 15 kilos over your head at sixteen if you can't you should train with weights. If you're really into getting strong and tank I would also recommend a martial art... maybe boxing, kickboxing, mu tai, hapkido or bj.

---I am 16 years old, I work out often. Around 3 hours a day. I can curl 31 KG on each arm. I can bench a total of 96 KG. On my 4-arms, i curl 22 KG. For crunch's on a vertical incline I add weight and on a single crunch i place 3 20 KG plates on my chest (60KG) For Lat pull downs i put on around 70KG. For a chest fly i use 22KG weights in each hand, (44KG). I don't recommend you doing something like that, you might hurt yourself. Although keep puching yourself and you will reach it. I dont think i am avg. Considering i am one of the strongest kids in my Martial Arts divisions and also in my school. Gooid luck and "be Strong"

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13y ago

There is no such average. Your only concern is what YOU can deadlift with proper form. Pay no attention to the well-meaning but baseless advice of paediatricians that discourage Weightlifting in children - if this was really an issue, there would be international bans on young children and teens hauling hay.

If you want to see how your deadlift strength compares to others of a particular bodyweight and training advancement, you could use Rippetoe and Kilgore's values at the related link.

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12y ago

There are too many variables to answer this accurately. How much you lift depends on your body type, gender and activity level. Start with weights that feel heavy to you, but you feel that you can lift without too much struggle. The weights should be difficult for you to lift, but remember: more reps are better than more weight. If you want to work your way up to heavier weights, start out pushing yourself to lift a moderate weight many times.

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16y ago

idk i do about 300lbs i only started doing them i am 210 lbs

but alot of kids who are 120-160 do 200lbs

hope that helps

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15y ago

That is to broad of a question. It would depend on many factors such as genetics, weight, age ect.

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