weight lifting
Weight Lifting
A dumbbell...
Hunting, off roading, weight lifting, ect ect
There definately are sites for that, and here are a couple just to name some. http://www.menshealth.com/fitness/weight-lifting-tips-muscle-definition http://weighttraining.about.com/od/succeedingwithweights/qt/success_tips.htm
weight- wt
Weight is the force of gravity on your body.
The name is "ton". Another possible name is "metric ton" but it is a different weight.
Universal Donor
Another name for a heavy person is over weight or obese.
Another name for Relief rainfall is Orographic rainfall. This type of rainfall is caused by the lifting of moist air over a mountain range, resulting in cooling and condensation of the air, leading to precipitation.
Please provide the weight in question so that I can convert it to tonnes for you.