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It is for a school project, why is Phar Lap so important to New Zealand, and why is there a huge argument over Australia "stealing" Phar Lap. Any answers on why Phar Lap is important to New Zealand would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

Phar Lap was the greatest ever racehorse! He was an insparation to every one.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

After being imported from New Zealand and trained there, Phar Lap won many races in Australia, before being taken to Mexico and the US, winning there too (to the chagrin of many locals).

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Because Phar Lap was lifting Australia's spirit when they had a great depression. And eventually Australia currently was requires a hero, so Phar Lap was so important to Australia

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Phar Lap was so special because he was he was like the best racehorse ever!!!!!!!! he carried loads of weight while racing, and he broke like a billion records PHAR LAP IS AWSOME

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Because it was good

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A lap is not a standard unit of length and so the question cannot be answered. For example, a lap ina swimming pool will be quite different to one on a track field.A lap is not a standard unit of length and so the question cannot be answered. For example, a lap ina swimming pool will be quite different to one on a track field.A lap is not a standard unit of length and so the question cannot be answered. For example, a lap ina swimming pool will be quite different to one on a track field.A lap is not a standard unit of length and so the question cannot be answered. For example, a lap ina swimming pool will be quite different to one on a track field.

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Actually I don't have a shihtzu so how can it lay on your lap? You should ask "Why does my shitzu cry while laying on my lap?

Why is it important to pit under green in a Nascar road race?

Not sure, but I don't think you have to worry about going a lap down in a road race, because the lap times are so much longer. You would want to use the caution laps to catch back up to the lead pack.